
Well-Known Member
Hey, Everyone! I am VERY excited to have JUST joined the LHCF! I have been "lurking" on the board for a few months now and decided to join in order to solidify my new hair journey! Anyway, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my Fotki. It's new, not many pics, but it will give you an idea of my hair. I'm tryin to grow my hair longer AND thicker. I had REALLY thick hair as a child, which is why I'm very surprised to be dealing with the issue of thin hair. Also, I just recently received my bottle of BOUNDLESS TRESSES and I can't wait to start seeing results from that! Okay, I think I'm finished now. I'm welcoming all encouragement, suggestions, remarks, etc.! THANKS! :grin:

OOPS! Almost forgot the FOKTI!
gabulldawg said:
Hey, Everyone! I am VERY excited to have JUST joined the LHCF! I have been "lurking" on the board for a few months now and decided to join in order to solidify my new hair journey! Anyway, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my Fotki. It's new, not many pics, but it will give you an idea of my hair. I'm tryin to grow my hair longer AND thicker. I had REALLY thick hair as a child, which is why I'm very surprised to be dealing with the issue of thin hair. Also, I just recently received my bottle of BOUNDLESS TRESSES and I can't wait to start seeing results from that! Okay, I think I'm finished now. I'm welcoming all encouragement, suggestions, remarks, etc.! THANKS! :grin:

OOPS! Almost forgot the FOKTI!

GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the board. Do you have a regimen so far?
thanx!! right now i've decided to wash and deep condition once a week using ors hair mayo, design essentials clarifying shampoo, and design essentials peppermint conditioner. I just started to co wash usually either every night or every other night using nexxus humectress conditioner for moisture. I LOVE how my hair comes out with I pre-poo with ors mayo. I heat it up in the microwave first (learned that from someone on this board!!). I use Silk Essentials leave-in conditioner with some olive oil. I also use BB oil moisturizer. I just started using BT everyday. That's about it.
gabulldawg said:
thanx!! right now i've decided to wash and deep condition once a week using ors hair mayo, design essentials clarifying shampoo, and design essentials peppermint conditioner. I just started to co wash usually either every night or every other night using nexxus humectress conditioner for moisture. I LOVE how my hair comes out with I pre-poo with ors mayo. I heat it up in the microwave first (learned that from someone on this board!!). I use Silk Essentials leave-in conditioner with some olive oil. I also use BB oil moisturizer. I just started using BT everyday. That's about it.

Does the silk Elements leave your hair feeling moisturized? If so that can be your moisturizer and oil moisturizers are good for most members to seal the water-based moisturizer into the hair.

Since good-water based leave-in or moisturizers tend to actually penetate the shaft infusing moisture while oil moisturizer for most people tend to just coat the hair. I'm not sure if you can feel the difference but most members can.

I remember when I had a relaxer in high school and I use to use BB and Pink oil thinking my hair was actually being moisturized. My strands use to break off on my back all the time while my hair dresser obviously didn't know any better or to recommend a water-based moisturizer.:mad:

Anywho, here is an analogy. You know how if you spill a drop of oil on your clothes that you can still see it later on that day. But if you spill water it would have evaporated later on that day. Well, I believe penetrates the fabric of the clothes more and then later on evaporates while oil molecules seem to just sit on top of the clothes. Maybe it is the oxygen in water molecules, I'm not sure.

Here's a pic.
Welcome! :) You will find a lot of knowledgeable ladies who give great advice on these boards. GL with your journey!
Here's an article I found. They found that cocunt and olive oil can really pentrate the hair shaft while the molecule of jojoba oil make it less possible.

Two Natural Oils That Make Your Hair Shiny and Strong

Lina says: I was very happy to read your post about coconut oil penetrating hair. I have been using it for a while and feel my hair is stronger than it used to be. I’d like to keep using coconut oil and I want to add olive oil to make my hair shiny but I’m worried that mixing the two oils will stop the coconut oil from penetrating. Is it ok to mix two oils on my hair? Thanks for all of your helpful information - you’ve kept me from wasting money on over-hyped products. The Left Brain provides an oily update:
Thanks for your kind words, Lina. Yes, studies have shown that coconut oil actually penetrates the hair to help make it stronger. And as it turns out, olive oil also has penetrating properties. Scientists at the Textile Research (J. Cosmet.Sci 52, 169-184, 2001) tested Olive oil, Avocado oil, Meadowfoam seed oil, Sunflower oil, and Jojoba oil. Their results showed that straight chain glycerides like olive oil easily penetrate into the hair. Polyunsaturated oils , like Jojoba oil, are more “open” in their structure so they don’t pass through the layers of cuticles very well.
What does that mean in plain English? Olive and Avocado oils penetrate all the way into the hair shaft. Meadowfoam seed oil partially penetrates, and jojoba and sunflower oils don’t penetrate at all. They’re very superficial and don’t really provide any practical benefit. Kind of like Ryan Seacrest.
And to answer your question: mixing coconut and olive oils shouldn’t be a problem. In fact, it’s possible that the olive/coconut oil combination might even penetrate hair better. I won’t bore you with the details, but it has to do with mixed micelles. I’d start with a 50/50 mixture and see how that works for your hair.
Ok another post : Coconut oil is a good moisturizer for hair (it’s one of the few oils that have shown to penetrate into the cortex. What, you didn’t know that? Then you should have read our previous coconut oil post!)

The highlighted part explains why most members use a water-based moisturizer.
Thanks for all the info! Where can I find coconut oil? Is is something that I have to order online or can I find it at the BSS? Any specific brand?:perplexed
you're so cute! you're starting at a really good length. your hair should thicken up in a few months. oh and Welcome to the board!
Thanks, everyone for the words of encouragement! :grin: I can't wait until I start seeing some results. OH I almost forgot to mention something important! I think a major factor for my hair breakage and thinning is because I had started using heat on a weekly basis, sometimes almost everyday a week. I have resolved to try to have a "no heat" approach at least for the summer. So I hope that helps me in my journey.
Thanks, everyone for the words of encouragement! :grin: I can't wait until I start seeing some results. OH I almost forgot to mention something important! I think a major factor for my hair breakage and thinning is because I had started using heat on a weekly basis, sometimes almost everyday a week. I have resolved to try to have a "no heat" approach at least for the summer. So I hope that helps me in my journey.
gabulldawg said:
Thanks, everyone for the words of encouragement! :grin: I can't wait until I start seeing some results. OH I almost forgot to mention something important! I think a major factor for my hair breakage and thinning is because I had started using heat on a weekly basis, sometimes almost everyday a week. I have resolved to try to have a "no heat" approach at least for the summer. So I hope that helps me in my journey.

:eek: WERE YOU CRAZY???:naughty: :spank:
welcome! i've only been here for a month myself but i've already learned so much and I can really see a difference in my hair too! make sure you start a hair journal!! it will help to keep you motivated as you go back and look through it,plus it will help you to remember what you did to achieve a memorable hair experience :)

btw, you should remove the "www" from your fotki link. i couldn't get to it until i removed that part!

Hi newbie welcome to the wonderful world of LHCF this board is excellent for giving hair care tips and some of these ladies journeys are absolutely amazing very inspirational so happy hair growing!!:)