Newbie on the Forum! What kind of hair do I have?!! Help!


New Member

I'm a newbie on the site. All of you ladies have beautiful hair!!! I am also a newbie at understanding my hair :perplexed. I have not had a relaxer in 3 years. I'm not sure if I'm 4a,b or c. I honestly don't know how to tell the difference. I am currently washing my hair with Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus. I leave-in condition with Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter conditioner. I usually essential tea-tree and jojoba oil for the scalp, a couple of times a week. I've posted a picture. Any suggestions on better regiments and how-tos? I'm looking to GROW GROW GROW :)


Peace and hair grease,
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In order to tell your hair cannot be manipulated( ie twists, braidout etc...). Once you wash you set out then someone can chime in for a typing. Welcome!!
Yeah, you can't really guess from those pictures because your hair has been manipulated.
It needs to be freshly washed w/o product and no manipulation.

ETA: I'd also suggest you lurk and search through the Hair Care Tips forum, your answers will surely be found eventually.