Newbie needs help!


New Member
I just joined the forum this week and here is my problem or shoudl I say problems....

My hair is breaking and it is uneven so should I get it cut to even it out or should I ry to retain length? It is right now about nape of the neck length maybe a bit longer.

Also I am using wigs as myu protective style but what should I do with my hair underneath? Right now I am moisturizing but I am not sre if I am putting too much product in. Once I apply the moisturizer I seal it with castor oil and my hair sis very wet. is that good or bad? Then i m baggying when I am at home but when I go out I want to put my wig on so shoudl I put my hair in a ponytail or is that bad?

Any advice woudl be greatly apprciated. Also I think my hair is a 4a.
Is you hair natural or do you have a relaxer?

What are you using to moisturizer you hair and how many times a week are you doing this?

With your wigs do you wear a wig cap underneath?
My hair is relaxed.

I'm using sunsilk 24/7 hydra TLC creme as a moisturizer and I have been doing it daily but only for about 3 or 4 days since I joined.

Up until now I haven't worn a wig cap under my wigs. One has a cap built into it o I don't think it is necessary and the other is a fall so I don't know if I can. Is the cap really necessary? If so what material shoudl it be?
If your hair is uneven I would certainly have it trimmed. Then concentrate on stopping the breakage by assessing your hair to determine if it needs moisture or protein. Sometimes baggying can cause the hair to have too much moisture and break b/c it's not strong enough. Invest in a good shampoo/conditioner/leave-in/daily moisturizer. In addition, I would clarify before trying your new products.

I've never worn wigs or weaves so hopefully someone else will come in w/
advice for that.

Have you checked out the new member stickies, that would be a good place to start. I know all the information here can become overwhelming. HTH

Welcome and good luck!
It's basically even except for one patch that is horter so I was thinking abou growing it for a couple of months before cutting because to cut to the length of that short part I woudl lose about 2 inches!!! Thoughts on this?
It's basically even except for one patch that is horter so I was thinking abou growing it for a couple of months before cutting because to cut to the length of that short part I woudl lose about 2 inches!!! Thoughts on this?

If it's just one small patch & you're hiding your hair all the time, then you don't have to cut just yet. Focus on stopping the breakage in the meantime. It sounds like baggying is causing some of it. Keeping your hair wet all the time is not good. Lots of people get breakage from this.

I would follow msschic's advice. The stickies have a wealth of advice and so do Sistaslick's articles, which can be found in her siggy. HTH and good luck!