Newbie Needs Help Help (LONG)


New Member
Hi all!

Looooong time lurker, first time poster! So please be gentle with me. I am about 9 months post relaxer (pics coming soon.) My hair is a wee bit past my shoulders. That said I have a few questions

1) My hair is apparently VERY VERY damaged as it simply comes out WITH KNOTS. This occurs when I style/comb and when I simply wash it. I see hair with pea sized knots in it going down the drain. I am in reasonably good-ish health. I am not on any hormonal birth control and have no health problems (I could stand to drink more water and eat better but who couldn't!). This occured when I was still relaxing and is part of the reason I stopped. It's like my hair simply KNOTS UP at the ends, again this occured even with the relaxer. I can understand the hair coming out in a knot when combing, but I cant figure out why it comes out like that when washing. I know shedding is a common problem mentioned on the board, but mine sheds quite a bit and has the KNOTS. I cannot find posts where the poster experienced the knotting as well.

2) I use Cantu Shea Butter Conditioning Creme for styling my hair which these days consists of ponytails and buns. When I use this for my ponytail it has the same effect as gel. My hair is "slicked down" and hardened. I even have product flecks in my hair when I comb after using. How bad is this for my hair? I say that because that effect cannot be good. It is my understanding this is not a styling product so where is this hold coming from? I experienced this same effect with I used ORS Hair Mayo, and discontinued it for this reason. I assumed it was something with that product but I am experiencing the same thing from Cantu. I'm thinking there is either a really high alcohol content in these products? Or..?

3) Since I stopped relaxing, I have an amazing amount of new growth and have no idea what to do with it! It tangles almost to the point of dreading or dread locking. I can thoroughly comb these roots and pull my hair into a ponytail or bun and later the same day be unable to get my fingers through the roots. This occurs even with I braid my hair, the roots puff up and become almost uncomb-able. Can any suggest ways to deal with these roots?

4) Lastly, I have read for hours and learned so much from this board, unfortunately I think I have learned a little too much! Can anyone suggest a simple regi to get a newbie started. I compiled a list of products and oils several pages long. I realize that everyone's results are different based on hair type, and the like, but I would like to copy someones regi at my own risk of course. The price of the products is not too much of a concern. I live near Chicago, so much of should be readily avaliable in my area. Please don't think I am too impatient to learn, or looking for a quick fix, but I literallty have written down about 30 possible shampoos, at least 50 different conditioners, from home made, to leave in, to DC and the like. It's very overwhelming! I have zero idea where to start when I head to the BSS.

So, I would like to thank any and all who respond! I would also like to apologize if this was too too long or if these answers were readily available using the search function. I did search and found really out of date threads or none that applied. So Thank you all so much!
I am 6months post relaxer and have 4inches new growth. I tend to blowdry every time i am not in braids and then either canerow or straighten. I stay in braids for 6weeks and out for 6. Once my hair is long enough i will cut off my relaxed ends. Do your air dry? Once i tried to air dry and my hair got messed up because of the two textures so im just carrying on with the blowdrying...try organics mayo instead of ors
This is just my opinion.....You can put your hair in twists....size up to you. There are many hair options with can be creative. When you wash/condition your hair...keep the twists in. This will get rid of excessive combing. I do this...after I wash/condition, I take down each twist and just retwist it. Sometimes I don't have enough time to do each and everyone. While your hair is in twists, you can make a bun, wear the braids in back and tie up the braids from the middle to front, wear a bun with a braid/twist in the back....many options. I Cowash every two/three days and add shampoo to the mix once per week (on weeks ends). You can moisturize daily with a spritz of water. Sometimes I will add "stuff" to, leave in conditioner spray. You have to find the products that work best for you. To deep condition...sometimes I will take 1 egg, add may, coconut oil and honey...mix, add to hair, and sit under a dryer for at least 30min. I guess low manipulation will help you. Wearing twist or box braids will help in this area. Personally I prefer twists over box braids because twists are thicker.
Another site I like is luck.
Do you wash your hair in the shower or in the sink? And Also when you wash just manipulate the scalp and let the shampoo wash down the hair shaft. Maybe your shampoo is too drying. Many people here co-wash instead of using shampoo or you can dilute your shampoo with H2O. Good Luck.
Do you wash your hair in the shower or in the sink? And Also when you wash just manipulate the scalp and let the shampoo wash down the hair shaft. Maybe your shampoo is too drying. Many people here co-wash instead of using shampoo or you can dilute your shampoo with H2O. Good Luck.

Thanks to all who responded!!! I wash my hair in the shower. I was using ummm...shoot, I believe Garnier? The whole product line is in green bottles/containers, I believe thats Garnier. Ok, shampoo may be too drying. Since discovering this board I switched to Elasta QP, probably about.... 6 to 7 weeks ago? I haven't noticed any difference. But I will definitely try and cowash a couple times a week.
I am 6months post relaxer and have 4inches new growth. I tend to blowdry every time i am not in braids and then either canerow or straighten. I stay in braids for 6weeks and out for 6. Once my hair is long enough i will cut off my relaxed ends. Do your air dry? Once i tried to air dry and my hair got messed up because of the two textures so im just carrying on with the blowdrying...try organics mayo instead of ors

Thanks for responding and yes I air dry. I always heard not to style your hair too much when wet because it can snap off. So I let it air dry, and you're right. "Messed up" seems to be the perfect phrase to describe it! It has a somewhat rough texture, with the ends rather tangled together in a puffy mess! The roots dry and combing through them is like combing through a cotton ball. I was trying to avoid heat to protect my hair, but it seems like the air dry makes it worse because of the knotting and etc. Thoughts?
Yes, i think that if you didnt have the relaxed ends you could twist and then air dry. But until you are ready for a bc, maybe try washing and blowdrying once a week...
I have coarse hair and since I've been a member have been able to soften and make my hair managable... I've been relaxer free since May or June of 2008... so maybe I can help. I think you need to begin by only combing your hair with conditioner in it with a LARGE tooth comb... My reggie is pretty simple... if my hair is extra dry I pre-poo with olive oil under the dryer (I coat dry hair) for about 15 minutes... then I co-wash with HE Hello hydration (LOVE THIS STUFF) and then I DC with Pantene Nourishr (that is SO not how you spell it but it's easy to find) mask. I ring out the moister from my hair and SLATHER it on. Then I comb from ends to roots in sections. After that I sit under the dryer for 30 minutes with a plastic cap. If you want you can detangle after the dryer instead of before. If you don't have a hooded dryer warm towels wrapped around the plastic cap works pretty well too. I rinse that out using lukewarm water. I then spritz on a mixture of HE HH, water, & glycerin (just a little). i finger comb this through my hair and then I "seal" or coat the hair with coconut oil. If i let my hair air dry I would have a HOT mess... so I twist it up. However big you want... and then I let it air dry like that over night. If you're going to flat iron it's my opinion that it's better to do it after it's air dried to minimize heat damage... I hope that helps you can PM me if you want or if something isn't clear.
You are not really going to be able to find a quick fix. Time & patience. Try to use products that provide moisture, and probably some protein. Everything works differently for all so try this combo first (I always recommend it cuz it worked for me, no guarantees) clarifying shampoo (shampoo once) protein treatment (mild left on w/ heat for about 15mins Aphogee 2 min repair is good, another good one (i've read) is Joico K-pak, and a moisturizing DC (30-1hr) too many to name, but if you really want a list just google in the search. You'll need a good leave in (water based) and start out with coconut oil--good for sealing and adding moisture. Braid your hair in plaits (not tight). Air dry or sit under a dryer (not handheld). Then maybe everyother day or 2-3days co-wash and use leave in & coconut oil after. Sounds like you need to soften your hair. Make sure you have a wide toothe comb to detangle (detangle in shower w/ conditioner and while water is running over your head). When shampooing do not pile hair on top to lather, massage into scalp and work down the ends or just let the water work it down. When drying with towel do not rub against hair. Just pat. Be patient. And remember it is gonna take time. You may need to start trimming the ends (can be done over time) to rid them if they are damaged (really can't be saved, I've tried but trimming always wins).
Thanks to all who responded!!! I wash my hair in the shower. I was using ummm...shoot, I believe Garnier? The whole product line is in green bottles/containers, I believe thats Garnier. Ok, shampoo may be too drying. Since discovering this board I switched to Elasta QP, probably about.... 6 to 7 weeks ago? I haven't noticed any difference. But I will definitely try and cowash a couple times a week.

Suave humectress and VO5 are good conditioners. :grin: