Newbie! Need help detangling hair and combatting dry ends


New Member
Hello Everyone! After months of going through the site, I am now an officially registered member. I am soo excited! /images/graemlins/clap.gif I have gotten soo many tips of taking better care of my hair and after having gone through the big chop back in May, I am really focused on reaching my 2006 goal of bra-strap hair.

The problem that I am facing is detangling my hair after I wash it. My hair is always tangled. I do use Salerm 21 which seems to help some, but was wondering if there are some other recommendations on what I could do. Also, I am trying to keep my ends protected from the cold winter and plan on wearing my hair up for most of the winter (except for special occasions. My ends are always soo dry looking. I moisturize with Mango butter in the am and pm, but they still look dry! I've looked through a lot of the personal albums, and everyone's ends look soo healthy. Any reco's?

Greatly appreciate it!
My hair use to get tangled all the time. I started using the GPB every other week and BB castor oil morning and night and am starting to have less tangles.

One trick I found is that shampooing my hair in the shower instead of bent over a sink makes a lot of difference. What kind of shampoo do you use? Mine helps with detangling (my conditioner too).

As for dry ends, I found that lightly spritzing my ends with a leave-in and putting a little castor oil on them helps.
Are you natural or relaxed?
What kind of comb do you use?
Do you detangle your hair wet or dry?
Do you wash your hair all at once or in sections?

With more info, we can give you more specific recommendations.
I would suggest a pre-shampoo treatment. I just did this the last time I washed my hair and it was so much easier to comb through. I am 8 weeks post relaxer and I think my hair type is 3a /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif. I mixed V05 Strawberry's and Cream conditioner with honey and then shampooed with Keracare Detangling Shampoo and Conditioned with Keracare Humecto. My hair was tangle free. I switch back and forth with shampoos because sometimes I need something different depending on my hair needs. You also may want to try Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo and their Intensive Emollient Treatment. The IET is very moisturizing and makes it so easy for me to comb my hair while it is wet. My final suggestion is to get some NTM leave in serum. I love it. It doesn't work for everybody but I tried it for myself and it worked great. But I really stress the pre-shampoo treatment because the V05 Strawberries and Cream is very moisturizing and the honey is a natural humectant. Good Luck! Hope that was some helpful information. Let me know how it worked if you try it.
To make detangling easier, start in the shower. Never swirl your hair around when washing. Comb your hair before you get in the shower and wash your hair while it's down.

Grab your best conditioner and saturate your hair with it. Take your widest wide-toothed comb, step into the flow of the water and begin detangling from the BOTTOM UP. Once you're finished, pour a little conditioner in your hand, rub your palms together and apply it to your hair and then rinse. Do not apply it as if you're lathering up. Just slick it over your hair.

For added moisture, spritz your hair generously with rose water BEFORE applying your Salerm. Once you have applied both rosewater and Salerm, detangle your hair again from the bottom up. If you have a lot of new growth, try John Frieda's Texture Correcting Serum.

The above methods are precisely what I do and I get very minimal tangling and shedding and no breakage.

To moisturize your ends, you can apply more rosewater. For a heavier moisturizer, Scurl is a good choice. I have a lot of different protective styles in my album if you want to take a look.
I've got relaxed hair. I sometimes comb my hair before washing. I only wash it standing up in the shower which I noticed has helped with the tangles. I don't manipulate the hair too much while shampooing. After rinsing out the conditioner (Humectress), I detangle with a wide-toothed comb while my hair is still wet. I have not tried detangling with conditioner in my hair for fear that it will pull out my hair.

I will try some of your suggestions and see what happens! Thanks alot!
You definitely need to try detangling while you have conditioner in (Combing from bottom up). It makes a world of difference. Also, before you detangle after you rinse out your conditioner, try putting some type of leave-in conditioner in, this will also help.
You can also try Sebastian Laminates Detangling Milk Leave-In, it works great for me, smells good and leaves my hair (new growth) detangled and my hair shiny and soft.
What helps me are the dominican hair creme rinses. The bright pink one, I believe for a liter and a half is around $7.00.
I was crying (pretty much) last week cause my hair was VERY VERY tangled and I had MAJOR knots which I had to cut out. I found that I needed a slight trim and I had to get rid of all my SLS and ALS shampoos.
What I did actually (last Monday)was to just do a CO wash with humecto after dusting my ends and when I washed this past Saturday my hair was 100000% tangle free...first time since Forever. What I did was wet my hair in the shower then I applied Aussie Moist (trying to get rid of old products) then I let it soak in while I did other shower Then I used my k-cutter comb...combing through 1x...then I let it for a little while longer and combed again. I lost 2 strands....that was it. I then pinned it on top of my head and when it was damp I applied a dollop of humecto (I wanted to see how it would be as a leave in) and the comb went into my hair like BUTTER. I was amazed /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I also went back to combing from the ends to the roots and I lost about 25-30 hairs to shedding and about 5 to breakage so an average 5-6/day for shedding and 1 break/day. This is AWESOME considering I usually loose on average 30 to shedding and 3-5 breaks a day.
I think the dusting made a big difference and the humecto as a leave in and combing from the ends up. HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
What's working for me currently is doing and extra virgin olive oil and honey preshampoo. I'm loving the moisture and shine I'm getting from this combo.
Just wanted to let everyone know how my wash day turned out. I washed last night with Nexxus Therappe Shampoo, then deep conditioned with Aubrey-Organics. OH MY God!!!! My hair had slip the minute I applied the conditioner. After leaving it on for a few minutes, I took Kaddy's advice and combed it through my hair. The comb just kept going. I was soo happy. And now today my hair feel soo soft, I can't stop touching it. Thanks for the advice.