Newbie in The House


Well-Known Member
Hello All...I am also a Newbie...Apparently I have been a Member since 2003, but somehow I completely forgot?! Well anyway, my LHCF story goes as follows...
One day I was in a beauty supply store when my mom and an older woman were exchanging hair care recipes (they are both from Haiti) And she mentioned that her neices hair grew very long from using a product, she could not recall the name and after moments of rolling her eyes and slapping her thighs trying to recall she blurts out Monistat! our eyes just went HUGE! We could not believe what she said, I asked her how did your neice think to use this? She said she found it as soon as I got home, I did a mean google search and found info about monistat on guess where....LHCF!!! I have been addicted to this site for about a week now. I am currently unemployed so I thought I can just mooch off of the info, I dont need a membership...I contacted Divine Inspiration on her myspace, and she was so sweet, I felt like...I can manage to splurge the five bucks! I love you guys, I have felt so close to you all (In a weird way, since I have never spoken to you or seen you) Everyone seems so warm and caring...I had to join to spread the love and any possible hair growth pics.

I will definately be on the boards!

Well, let me be one of the first to say welcome :dance7: !!! LHCF is a really great place and I agree that it's a nice, supportive environment for people who want to maximize their hair growing experience.
HEY HEY HEY!! Welcome to the site. I've only been here for a few weeks and it feels like home.:::tear::: I got to get some progress pics up here too....
What a great story!!! I loved that! :D

Welcome to LHCF girl!!!!!! We are really happy to have you! *hugs*
Welcome....I'm new to LHCF as well...I was lurking for a while but felt like I had to join. The ladies on here are great. I was addicted before joining and I'm even more addicted I'm learning so much stuff and I have also come to the conclusion that I am a serious PJ, didnt realize it until I went to clean out my cabinet the other day...I have soooo much hair products its crazy.:)
bkgirl0816 said:
I was addicted before joining and I'm even more addicted I'm learning so much stuff and I have also come to the conclusion that I am a serious PJ, didnt realize it until I went to clean out my cabinet the other day...I have soooo much hair products its crazy.:)

Ditto! I have a real problem getting off the site, there's ALWAYS one more thread to check out...
