Newbie here-Question-Get healthy b4 or after....?


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I've never taken that much care of my hair (it's relaxed)-so it has lots of split ends i've worn mostly weaves/braids/half wigs the past two years.

I've started the aphogee hair regimen changed moisturizers-was using doo gro-it did help my hair grow back from past breakage though. I want to go to a hairdressers (i've had trims the past few years but dont think it's done much for my ends) and get them to cut off all the split ends-this could result in quite short hair for me-currently my hair reaches the bottom of my neck (i don't mind it going short if it's gonna help it grow back healthy but the front needs to be long enough for me to rock a half wig).

I was wondering whether i should get my hair healthy in the next few months-with the aphogee regimeni and co-washing before i get the split ends cut off-or should i go for the cut asap?
Hi! Welcome!
If you have loads of split ends then maybe get a trim. But if they are just dry with a few splits i wouldn't trim. But that's just me; i hate trims.
Welcome! I would say go ahead and trim now because it will be much harder to later on. Get rid of the split and damaged ends and start anew. That's how I started my journey actually with a 4" trim. Because of that trim, I didn't have to trim at all for another year and I could focus on growing my hair out.
It all depends on your preferences. I always wait until I reach a certain goal to cut. If you're rockin buns and protective styles, no one will see your ends anyway :yep:
It all depends on your preferences. I always wait until I reach a certain goal to cut. If you're rockin buns and protective styles, no one will see your ends anyway :yep:

yeah i plan to rock instant weaves with a little bit of hair out at the front-probably the healthiest part of my hair.

I'm just worried my hair can't get healthy with the split ends it has at the moment.
I have always cut and started over fresh...that way the new regimen you are using is on the healthy ends and you get a fresh start.
I believe its best to start on a clean slate that way like someone else said you can grow your hair without that nagging feeling of "I know I need to cut" Plus the length you retain you want it to be all yours not having to sacrifice it once you get length....I am new too and I would rather lose now at NL than later at BSL!!!! HHG!!!!
I believe its best to start on a clean slate that way like someone else said you can grow your hair without that nagging feeling of "I know I need to cut" Plus the length you retain you want it to be all yours not having to sacrifice it once you get length....I am new too and I would rather lose now at NL than later at BSL!!!! HHG!!!!

You make a very good point. I have done one big chop to get rid of damage, and I have also done the "gradual trimming method." Looking back, I think the big chop route was better because I had to mourn about the cut only once. It was much more discouraging to have to get a major cut every month until all of my damaged, bleached hair was gone.