Newbie Here!! (kinda long) Sorry I'm excited!


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone!!

I just want to say, if there was ever a Greek sorority for textured hair, I think this is it! :lol: . I've been lurking since Jan. 2006 and even though I haven't spoken to any of you, I feel that you all are my sisters.

Just wanted to give a little info about my hair journey. I had brastrap length hair from the time I was 6 to the time I was 14. It's funny because I read all these hair tips--the Aphogee treatments, the deep conditioner treatments under the heat cap, braids, oil and conditioning creams and I swear my mom used to do all of these things to my hair. It's just now occuring to me that that's the reason why my hair was so long. Anyway, finally after years of bugging my mom to allow me to wear my hair down, she let me in the 7th grade. Let's just say 2 years later, my hair was dry, brittle and neck length. I attribute this to wearing it down ALL THE TIME, me now knowing how to take care of my hair and that evil, evil product "Rio" that was supposed to be relaxer without all the chemicals, but ended up taking out a whole bunch of people's hair.

So, high school, I wore sewed and glued in weaves. Needless to say that my hair got even more damaged. When I got to college, I always wore my hair in a sickly bun b/c my hair was so horrible. Finally, my junior year in college, I went to a salon and the lady cut all the dead hair. AFter that I started getting trims regularly, roller-wrapping my hair and washing my hair twice a week. Now my hair is healthy, thick and 2 inches pased shoulder length hair. It receives lots of compliments.

The problem now is that for the past 4 years, my hair has stayed at 2 inches passed shoulder length. I don't know how I do it, but I always find the beauticians that insist on giving me a "trim" that comes out more like a hair cut. Good thing is that my hair has thickened up a lot. Bad thing is that it looks like my hair doesn't grow. So, after reading this site I discovered some tips like protective hairstyles and moisture, that I've been incorporating.

I'm excited to be here and I will post pics this coming weekend.

Thank you all for your generosity. :)
Welcome! Try reading older posts to learn anything you can. This is the best place to learn. Good luck with your hair