Newbie Group Support Challenge 2010

I'd like to join in! I've been looking for a challenge that I could participate in since I joined. I'm 4a/b fine haired and relaxed, currently neck length. Any captains? Let's do this y'all!
Wow. This sounds like an awesome challenge. Sadly I'm not nearly structured enough to be a captain (and I'm horrible at keeping up with things, so I never join challenges). :nono: I have adopted little hair sisters in the past (in threads w/ a similar goal), but it was much more informal.

I do hope someone comes along to captain the natural hair newbies. I hate to think of them being all alone. :(

But, good luck to everyone!! :) Though I'm not a captain (or hair guru), I'm friendly and anyone who wants to can pm me for any advice. I'll try my best to help.

Ditto. Please feel free to pm me if you need help. Also, check out the newbie manual, there's something for everyone in there.
Okay everybody....we have a Relaxed Fine Haired Captain!!!!


Welcome Aboard Captain!!!:dance7:


So now there's a total of 3 captains....we have

SmilingElephant(me)- Relaxed Thick Haired
Soulie-Relaxed Fine Haired

Now i need

I'm starting to think i might have to make co-captains....

Well i have an idea....if i have more people than requested that want to be captains by the end of Saturday....i will make the extras....first come first served :)...will be co-captains....and since i'd have co-captains i might expand it to 10 ppl per group so that the captains can cut it in half if they ever need to.

I'm tryin to make it so that alot of ppl can join the challenge but the captains can keep up with their team's progress.
Here's my team as of this morning:

Angel of the North
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Do you have a natural group set up yet? If so, I'd like to join. I'm 4A/B about neck length. My last relaxer was Sept. 2008 and I BC'd April 1, 2009.
Hey everyone,

I just joined like 2 minutes ago and decided to do this challenge because I need some hair help. I am relaxed, about shoulder lenght and I have no idea about hair type. I joined this forum because I decided to do my own hair (with some opposition from family who believe in the salon). I have been experiencing some shedding or perhaps breakage (not sure which one). The right side of my hair grows longer than the left so I had it evened out earlier this year. I had been wearing braids for three months because I was pregnant and did not want to be concerned with doing my hair(it was hard enough to turn over in bed). I just relaxed my hair about two weeks and am getting ready to wash and apply a treatment this weekend. After saying all this, I guess that I need hair mentor to guide me in the right direction.

My aim is to definitely have healthy hair and to gain some lenght. I am very happy to be among such like minded women and look forward to learning alot and making friends.
Okay have read the info. I would be happy to assist a Captain.

I am one of those who have heard your hair is too thick, too nappy, you have bad hair and shrinkage that would stop traffic. I also have hair that is moody when growing meaning one month it grows normal the next month nada.

If any of you are protein sensitive or not and natural with 4a-z cottony masses of wonderfulness also known in some circles as Cnapp (does not reflect light, natural dull looking and when dry looks like black cotton) I am your girl.

So If there is a Captain who needs an assistant give me a ring. In the meantime, if you have questions please feel free to check my fotki, pm me ask me questions at anytime. If I don't know the answer I will help you find it.

Wishing you all happy healthy hair growth in the coming years.
Looking for a captain:

I'm a natural 4 something. For the most part, my hair curls easily with moisture and twirling it around my finger.

With stretching, it's shoulder length.

Why aren't there any natural captains?:perplexed
I'd like to join this Challenge, I'm natural 4a/b.

Awww come on, I know there's a Natural out there who wants to a captain :)
This is a great idea!! im new too and a 3 something natural... i dont know if anyone is a captain for a groups like that :-S but i would love to find a captain and join!
hello i'm new here & would like to join my 1st challenge :)
i'm 4a/b relaxed mostly neck length. my biggest issue is breakage.
i have less than an inch of hair on my right side *its been that way for years but the area will grow every blue moon*
kitchen area was growing very nicely but due to a bad perm i got last month it has completely broken off.

i really dont know if i should try to salvage what i have or just cut it all off & start over again but i need some major assistance lol.

thanks for reading
I'd like to be in this challenge! I'm a 3c/4a relaxed head. I have fine hair but Im trying to focus on recovering from breakage. My hair grows fast enough I'm already barely armpit length but I have a problem with maintaining my ends. So if any captain has dealt with recovering from hair breakage I'd love to be on their team.
I'd like to join this challenge - it'll be my first. I'm 3c/4a texlaxed with thick hair. I haven't texlaxed for 5 or 6 months, but I'm not sure I want to transition to natural yet. Help us, PLEASE!