Newb Here... any suggestions?


New Member
Hey Everyone :hiya:

I've been hardcore lurking since about April and finally subscribed!!! :grin: I've been natural for 3 yrs but I've only just recently decided to deal with my natural help thanks to the ladies on this board. So back in May I locked away the flat iron and let my hair do its thang :afro:

So I can successfully do the WNG puff, but I live in Michigan and wet hair won't work in late fall, winter, and early spring... too cold. Do you ladies have any suggestions for easy styles that would work in cold weather?
I have 4a/b hair that is extremely layered, CBL in the front, almost APL in the back, but its healthy so I refuse to cut it blunt until I reach my hair goal of BSL.

P.S. I will post pic of my hair, but I'm waiting for my grad party next week when I will straighten it... hopefully it will be :kiss3:
Welcome :)

In the fall/winter I plan on doing braid and twist outs. I believe they are easy, low manipulation and versatile :)
I would go with styles you set at night so in the morning all you have to do is style and go. Braids/twists, braidouts/twistouts, maybe wash your hair at night and sleep in perm rods or flexi rods so in the morning you just style and go
:welcome4::newbie: Have you considered Braids or Sew-ins during the colder months?

Actually I did plan to get a sew-in in the fall/winter but then I fell in love with the versitility my natural hair has. Besides, I have very fine hair, feels like baby hair when I straighten it. I've had bad experiences with too tight braids and braid extentions breaking off my hair where the extention hooks on to the hair. and from the stories I've heard either people have great retention with sew-in or it breaks/ thins their hair. I'm afraid I'll be in the damaged hair group. I've retained alot of hair this summer, and I figure why fix what's not broken. Thanks for the suggestion I'm just paranoid that I might lose the progress I worked hard to gain.

In the fall/winter I plan on doing braid and twist outs. I believe they are easy, low manipulation and versatile :)

How do you do your braid/ twist outs? About how long does it take you to braid? I'm braiding challenged which is why I want to start practicing now. I'll be starting college this fall :grin: so I dont want people's first impression of me to be the girl with busted hair :blush:. Also I'm going to be very busy because I'm going the premed track, and will be attempting to obtain a GPA that will allow me admitance into my school honors college (at least a 3.89). all while taking an advanced class load bc of AP credit. I will be very busy, and aside from healthy hair practices (washing, deep conditioning, sealing, moisturinzing) I don't want to spend alot of time on my hair.

maybe wash your hair at night and sleep in perm rods or flexi rods so in the morning you just style and go

Thanks for the suggestion, How long does that take to style? Do you have to redo it every night?

Could someone PM me and explain how to put more than one quote in a reply? Thanks!!