Suggestions for long-haired natural? Get in here...

Good suggestion about the Denman Brush. I am going to give that a try. I thin I may have done that last year. Kind of like, once I created my ponytail, I had then detangle each section again with my Denman to create curls.

Mmm - we have completely different hair types, but I think that perhaps a Denman Brush on your damp moisturized hair would help get rid of those underneath tangles. :yep:

I used to always feel like there was a big snarl in the middle of my hair right below the ponytail holder and I could never get a flat pony. The denman helped me detangle that, get rid of the shed hair, and flatten the hair a bit so now my buns and ponies are smooth.

Also, if you detangle your hair first, then add the leave in in sections just with your fingers it shouldn't disturb your curls too much. I've noticed that if I re-add some conditioner (I have V thick hair though, that might be too heavy for you) after I've detangled my hair clumps back up.
Alright, hairlove, the rest of us are anxiously awaiting you to add your hair pics. :yep:

More hair porn, please. :lol:
Thanks Poka!!

So comb through the curls after applying leave-in? I was worried this would remove my curl definition. But I'll give it a go - What leave-in do you use and what comb do you use for this step?

Number 4 - Yep, that's exactly what I mean. Once I've got the ponytail done there is SO much hair that it's practically impossible to comb through the whole thing so I just leave the tangle at the root of the ponytail - no one can see it - I just know the trouble it will cause the next day. I guess I will have to section it off to avoid this.

What is a twist n' curl?
Ok...I see what you're saying about the ponytail. Well I'm a pro at that because I rollerset my hair in one ponytail the the base has to be completely tangle free.

What I do is gather all my hair in my right hand and center it to where I want the ponytail. While the hair is still in my hand I take a wide tooth comb and comb through from root to a little past where my ponytail will be and stop....don't go down the whole length (you will have a big mass of tangled hair but that will get taken care of later). Keep combing throught the base of the ponytail until you feel you got all the tangles the brush into a ponytail and secure. After the pony is secure take a leave-in and apply it to your ponytail to help you detangle the mass. My tangles aren't bad at all doing this and the ponytail is completely smooth at the roots. I hope I explained it ok.

If I'm going for a curly look I do comb my leave in's through and it dosen't disturb the curl. As long as your hair is soaking wet it shouldn't. I usually use any kind of conditioner for this but right now I'm using the Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol that I posted about. I comb that through and do the Curlisto method for more curl definition.

A twist n' curl is just twists with a roller on the ends. It's really pretty when you take them down.
Ok, Pokahantas - that is beautiful! You are going to have to tell me step by step how to do the twist n' curl. Purdy please!? :)

I am going to try your method with the ponytail also. I am going to do my hair tonite and see how it goes.

Poka - Do you co-wash daily? Now let me get back to stalking your hair album! :)
Judging by your hair YOU need to be giving ME suggestions! :look::grin:

No but seriously your hair is beyond midback (judging by that last Oct 08 pic)...and I must say "THANK YOU" for the rollerset tutorial...I tried it last year and it turned out great! :drunk::drunk::drunk:

So again, I don't have any suggestions but I'm sure others will chime in with some...just wanted to say that I love your hair!!
For real, though.....:blush:
I have nothing to add. I am just admiring your pictures, as always *sigh*

Chop it off, send it to me, I'll glue it to my head LOL
You all are funny and oh so sweet! Thank you. :)

I am really interested in the twist n' curl. Are there any threads here on that?
What a beautiful head of hair!! It looks great curly and straight. I have no suggestions,just came in to :drool: over your locks.
You all are funny and oh so sweet! Thank you. :)

I am really interested in the twist n' curl. Are there any threads here on that?

Im on my cell so i cant post a link but i think someone already did. Curlynikki has a vid on her blog. I will pm u step by step how i do mine later. Oh, and i dont co-wash daily, only once a week. I cant do the daily thing. It's too much manipulation for me and i loose too much hair.
Thank you guys for the links....checking out CurlyNikki's site...anxiously awaiting how Poka does hers.

Ok, so for my twist n' curls I just shampoo or co-wash and detangle well in the shower.

-Apply conditioner (Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol) to each section before twisting and comb through very smoothly. I put some type of butter over the conditioner too making sure to get the ends good. Right now I use Karen's Body Beautiful hair butter.

-Twist the section tightly but I don't go all the way down.....I leave about 5 or 6 inches untwisted and roll it up with the rollers with the cap. I don't do as many twists as curlynikki does, the most I do is 10 or 11 because I want big waves. Keep your twists smooth and straight as you twist so they come out neat and frizz free....a Denman brush is good for this or a rat tail comb. The cholesterol that I use makes great twist-outs....very soft and not frizzy

-When I'm done the twists I pin them up with clips and sit under the dryer but you don't have to do this step if you don't can let them air dry.

That's it! The style will last me a week. I moisturize, seal and re-twist nightly but I don't comb....just a little finger combing where needed. I will be doing a tutorial in my fotki the next time I do this style. HTH
You have beautiful hair. My hair is not very long at all but save time don't conditioner wash every day. Do the "fake" look. Run some water along the front and gently brush it back into the pony. Use a little coconut oil or what ever. Then like F.H. said just run the end of the ponytail under the water or spritz it. This will reactivate what ever product you've got in there.

On wash days, detangle with conditioner under the shower and follow immediately with another conditioner. I use a thicker conditioner. Smooth in thick sections with fingers. I don't comb again until next wash day.

Try buns! Go to LHL or Cichelle's fotki for cute bun ideas. Again a little water and only on the front to smooth then spritz and slap the rest in a bun. Also you can put just your pony tail into 4-6 twists and then create a donut or some other bun with that.

Bottom line don't sweat the tangles cause can't nobody else see 'em.
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Thank you so much for this! I am going to try it this weekend. I have a kid's party to go to so I will have to sit under the dryer.

Ok, so for my twist n' curls I just shampoo or co-wash and detangle well in the shower.

-Apply conditioner (Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol) to each section before twisting and comb through very smoothly. I put some type of butter over the conditioner too making sure to get the ends good. Right now I use Karen's Body Beautiful hair butter.

-Twist the section tightly but I don't go all the way down.....I leave about 5 or 6 inches untwisted and roll it up with the rollers with the cap. I don't do as many twists as curlynikki does, the most I do is 10 or 11 because I want big waves. Keep your twists smooth and straight as you twist so they come out neat and frizz free....a Denman brush is good for this or a rat tail comb. The cholesterol that I use makes great twist-outs....very soft and not frizzy

-When I'm done the twists I pin them up with clips and sit under the dryer but you don't have to do this step if you don't can let them air dry.

That's it! The style will last me a week. I moisturize, seal and re-twist nightly but I don't comb....just a little finger combing where needed. I will be doing a tutorial in my fotki the next time I do this style. HTH
Thank you! I don't know what I was thinking that I could co-wash my hair daily! I suppose I should be happy that I can't. I just know that now I can't go home, undo my hair and let it run wild b/c I'll be washing it again. I'll have to keep it neat at all time. ::grin:

You have beautiful hair. My hair is not very long at all but save time don't conditioner wash every day. Do the "fake" look. Run some water along the front and gently brush it back into the pony. Use a little coconut oil or what ever. Then like F.H. said just run the end of the ponytail under the water or sprits it. This will reactivate what ever product you've got in there.

On wash days, detangle with conditioner under the shower and follow immediately with another conditioner. I use a thicker conditioner. Smooth in thick sections with fingers. I don't comb again until next wash day.

Try buns! Go to LHL or Cichelle's fotki for cute bun ideas. Again a little water and only on the front to smooth then sprits and slap the rest in a bun. Also you can put just your pony tail into 4-6 twists and then create a donut or some other bun with that.

Bottom line don't sweat the tangles cause can't nobody else see 'em.
Thank you! I don't know what I was thinking that I could co-wash my hair daily! I suppose I should be happy that I can't. I just know that now I can't go home, undo my hair and let it run wild b/c I'll be washing it again. I'll have to keep it neat at all time. ::grin:

Yeah. That's pretty much it. I keep my little pony tail holder on 24/7. It's like chaining a lion. So I don't manipulate the hair much from day to day. In the morning after wetting, I quickly take off and re-wrap the poytail holder.
if the puff hair is just too frizzy I'll run the ends with the Denman but basically I'll add a little pruduct, scruge, and go. (I'm actually surprised some days at the complements because the effort is like boarderline bedhead some days LOL). Samething with the bun. Whatever bun you do just sleep in that as is or cover with a scarf. Next morning. Voila! Quick redo with front hair refreshing or, if you are bold....and it's the weekend (keep the same bun in.)

*** Disaclaimer. I'm not That Girl, but my hair looks good enough.
not sure if it will work for you but my routine is to detangle with condish and oil while plating or twisting as i go. then rinse 50%. next i nmake sure all my ends are coiled and have oil on then;-)
Hairlove! I remember you helped me with some suggestions early on in my natural journey! Along with several others, I have no suggestions but I wanted to say that your hair is STILL absolutely beautiful! :yep: