New Years Product Junkie Challenge???


New Member
Has anyone started one yet?? If so, I seriously want to join!! I would really like to refrain from buying another NEW hair product until JUNE 2004!!! (though I may repurchase certain products when they run out...) I get sick looking at all the hair stuff in my cabinet. Half the stuff doesnt get used only because I forgot all about it!!
Anyone else care to join me???
I will joint you girl!!! I need to because my bathroom closet is packed with hair products that I need to use. I did promise myself after purchasing Surge that I would not buy anything else for a while. Count me in!
I would just be kidding myself joining this challenge. I am just a natural born product junkie. More willpower to those doing the challenge
I would just be kidding myself joining this challenge. I am just a natural born product junkie. More willpower to those doing the challenge
Lindy, you're reading my mind! I was going to put myself on a self-imposed hair product purchasing hiatus, but now I have company! I'm definitely in
I will only buy to replace USED products, and at this rate, it should take me a LONG time to get through the product stockpile I have (at least 6 months)!
MissB said:
I wouldn't even think about a six month challenge. I can't even survive a six week challenge.

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I cannot survive a 5 day challenge
I cannot survive a 5 hour challenge
I cannot survive a 5 minute challenge
I cannto survive a 5 second challenge

While I am sitting here writing this post...I was viewing another album...and already have plans for buying Aveda and Aura Elixer tomorrow...

Count me out...but I wish all the reformed junkies the best!
Well I know that I will never be reformed but I would like to do this challenge for three reasons:

1) My hairproducts are piling up and I've got to start finishing old products before i think of buying new products.

2) One of my new years resolutions was to put myself on a strict budget from January 2004 until July of 2004. So this is perfect because hair products are not included in this budget.

3) If I follow the strict budget I will have more spare money just in time for summer so i can purchase a whole bunch of new products after the challenge.

Count me in!!!!!!
When does it start..January First I assume.
I couldn't last until June 2004 without buying any hair products. You must of a lot of hair products stored up to last you that long.

Girl, you should have joined the one that I started (along with a few other members) back in October (lasting until December 31). Six months is a long time. Good luck.
Allandra said:

Girl, you should have joined the one that I started (along with a few other members) back in October (lasting until December 31). Six months is a long time. Good luck.

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Yes, six months is a long time! I've been on the product challenge and been counting the days till Dec. 31. I have my list all ready too! It'll be just like Christmas again!
Good luck to all of you!
I really need this one but June...
I'm going to go insane

Whatever happened to taking little steps

I better buy my new products now before Dec.
Lindy said:
Has anyone started one yet?? If so, I seriously want to join!! I would really like to refrain from buying another NEW hair product until JUNE 2004!!! (though I may repurchase certain products when they run out...) I get sick looking at all the hair stuff in my cabinet. Half the stuff doesnt get used only because I forgot all about it!!
Anyone else care to join me???

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As a reformed product junkie I wish ya luck, LOL! I know back in da day I wouldn'y have lasted until January, never mind June!
Alright ladies!!

Do you guys think we should start off by doing it in 3 month intervals, instead of going cold turkey til June?? We could go from Jan. 1 to March 31... Then again from maybe April 15 to June 15 (giving two weeks in between to fall off the wagon, if you're so inclined!!

What do you think?? Of course, whoever wants to can just go the whole 6 months with no backsliding!!

READY, SET, GO!!! We have today and tomorrow to get any new product you feel you just can't do without!! (I will NOT be buying anything!! The amount of products I bought in 2003 was just ridiculous!!
) There can't possibly be another thing I could need)

Allandra said:

Girl, you should have joined the one that I started (along with a few other members) back in October (lasting until December 31). Six months is a long time. Good luck.

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I know Allandra, but I was on a serious product BINGE at that time!! I think I've gotten it out of my system now though!!
I have enough products to go six months, but I can be flexible too. I am in this challenge no matter what decision you make.
shinyblackhair said:
Well...Hmmmm...I dunno...maybe 2 months...maybe...

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You can do it!! You know you have enough stuff!! Keep your money in your wallet for a few months!!!
(You can at least try!!!
Hey Lindy!!!

I'll do a 3 month challenge with you!! There is only one product I plan on buying though to replace one of my other protein conditioners when I run out. Would that be ok?

Otherwise, I'd love to join in.
JenJen2721 said:
Hey Lindy!!!

There is only one product I plan on buying though to replace one of my other protein conditioners when I run out. Would that be ok?

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Yep, that's cool.
I think that as long as you finish a bottle, it's okay to buy something to replace it, even if it isn't the exact same product. (
is that cheating, a lil??)

OK, you can only do that if you have NO comparable product already in your arsenal!!
I have no idea what I'm even doing in this thread.
Okay, Lindy, I'll join. Until 3/31, that is. We'll see if I can make it for another 3 months at that point.