New Year...New Doo

Sooo many pictures! but they are all beautiful. Your hair is lovely and congrats!

Thanks!! SOrry about the pics, but I wanted to give you ladies a full review:) I know what I like to see when I'm looking a BC pics, so I figured there were some ladies who needed those extra pics lol:)
Yayyyyy!!! Congrats on your BC, Simple Brooklyn. My goodness ... you have sooooooo much hair. It's beautiful.
Wow your hair is beautiful. I love your curls. If I had those curls I'd chop my hair off in a Congrats on your BC!!
Happy BC to you!!!!!
It looks beautiful.
I'm in Month 20 now. the back part of my hair is relaxer free, just from trimming but there are still relaxed ends in other sections.

No BC yet but I'm feeling the urge.
Happy BC to you!!!!!
It looks beautiful.
I'm in Month 20 now. the back part of my hair is relaxer free, just from trimming but there are still relaxed ends in other sections.

No BC yet but I'm feeling the urge.

Thanks. Hey, take as long as you need:) But seriously, you'll know when you are ready.
Yayyyyy!!! Congrats on your BC, Simple Brooklyn. My goodness ... you have sooooooo much hair. It's beautiful.

Thankyaverykindly:) LOL
Man, remember when we were both transitioning and I sooo wanted you to BC first so i could live vicariously through you:). WEll look at us now, we both are relaxer free and LOVE IT!!!

Thanks so much for the support and encouragement!!!!
congrats on the bc. your hair is beautiful. wow@21 months Im only on month 13 and Im already wanting to cut these ends off.
congrats on the bc. your hair is beautiful. wow@21 months Im only on month 13 and Im already wanting to cut these ends off.

Thank you. I feel you. I kept getting the itch. I finally had to cut a natural bang (braided in with tiny braids and wore it out while back was in a bun) over the summer just to satisfy myself. :lachen:
When did you notice the pattern of your natural hair? Does the pattern change the more it grows out?
1. I guess when the new growth came. Imean in the normal time it would take b4 i would get a touch up, It started to curl up.

2. Um, like i said at first i could automatically see the curls when dry, then months in it was just a pile of hair :lachen:, then in the next couple of months i could see the pattern again. Very weird huh? WEll that's my experience. But I could always see the curl pattern when my hair was wet
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Great pics and great inspiration.:grin: This natural thing is for real. I always wondered how DH's hair grew faster than mine when he had braids and mine was relaxed. :scratchch No wonder.
Great pics and great inspiration.:grin: This natural thing is for real. I always wondered how DH's hair grew faster than mine when he had braids and mine was relaxed. :scratchch No wonder.

Thanks!! Yeah, guys have it easy. Their edges are fine, their hair is strong, and it grows long, without fuss....gotta love that....hahahahaha

I think you are my hair twin. Thank you for taking pictures so that I can know what to expect from my transition.
I <3 this thread. Gorgeous hair! Great patience.

Thank you. Man it was rough. You know what is strange...when I did the BC I was away at my moms. I loved my hair (still do). She loved it. We played with my hair, I let it be free. I wasn't fussing over it, I would just admire it from time to time.

Now ever since I got back home...not so much. I mean like enjoying my hair and being in love with it (like I said, i still love it). I really think my environment (family) is playing a slight part. Its just a bunch of little things affecting my relationship with my hair.

Like where I'm staying now (w/ my aunt) I swear the water is harder. My hair was much softer at my moms and it did its own things. But home...I dunno. Then I guess I AM a little self-conscious (sp). But by my mom, I didn't give a flip. I wore my hair out, wild, poofy, curly, without a care in the world. (My mom even said I walked with more confidence)

I really think environment can affect your hair (not all the way, but you get why i'm trying to say).

I really think my hair "FELT" the love when I was by my moms (that were it flourished), and maybe now its feeling the negativity/ignorance in the air now that I'm back (its acting up ya'll).

Don't get me wrong, I'm committed to being a natural for the rest of my life, but this was just something I noticed.