New Year...New Doo


New Member

Just wanted to start an official thread for my BC that will take place on Dec 31st.

I mentioned doing the BC in other threads, but I wanted to have a central location for my pics and any conversation about my transition and BC.

So since I don't haven any pics to upload right (at work), I will give you all some back ground about my hair journey thus far.

Growing up, I had Rudy-esque hair (from Cosby show). Just big, wavy after a wash, thick and just there. My mom didn't manipulate my hair very much. It was either in one or two ponytails. She probably washed it no more than 2-3 times a year (unless other factors like swimming were involved).

No one except family knew how long my hair was, because you could not tell when I had it in the pony tails. It would start out streched then it would jump right up (that shrinkage for you). The only time you could see whas when it was pressed with a hot comb. Then she would roll the ends up with pieces of brown paper bag to curl.

Anywhoo I was a tomboy (still am), so I really never fussed about my hair. But it was when I was in 8th grade that I asked my mother for a relaxer (worse day of my life...well in retrospect). The only reason I asked was because my friend had gotten a relaxer (her hair was similar to Ashely from Fresh Prince but with more curl) and she said her hair still curled up after she washed.

So on winter break i got it. It was beautiful. It was thick and down my back. I was fine with it. I washed it and it would still curl up. I liked it. But as i mentioned b4 I didn't really fuss with my hair, so I would always end up bunning it

Anyway, the next year my hair started to thin and slowly break because my dumb hairdresser left the perm in too long (i was shy and afraid to complain...why do we do this ladies) and since then, my hair has gotten significantly thinner ( most people who meet think its thick, but that's only because they don't know what it looked like b4).

Well I would continue to get relaxers every 6-8 weeks (I didn't know) and trim (I didn't know) every time.

Well i wanted my natural hair back. So after my senior prom (had to get that last relaxer for the I was done.

I "transitioned" without knowing there was a term for it for about a year. In that time I would do wng's or wear my hair braided. Well, once i went to get it pressed and the girl basically cut damn near the remainder of my relaxed ends off. So that summer I was offically natural after the other ends broke off.

Man, I could not stand my hair short. I always had long hair. I mean no one knew cuz it was always in a bun, but I KNEW! So I got braids (dumb) off an on. Thats when the skinny cornrows were really in with the extensions.

So anywhoo. Around mid to the end of 2nd year I met this girl who saved me:) She would put the tiny tiny box braids in my hair for 40 bucks!! So that was my main style along with 1 or 2 puffs and the occasional press (not often because I sweat like crazy in my head)

I liked my hair, but was not secure and let others make me feel bad about my decison, so after 3 years of being natural, I put the DEVIL (just kidding) back in my hair summer b4 my senior year in college.

The second i put it back in I regretted it. So a year later I found LHCF and I decided I would deal with my relaxed hair and try to get the length back. It grew...i mean people were surprised that in just a matter of 6 months my "a little pass the shoulder hair" was dayum near BS (I went 6 months with no touchup). But the problem was that I had crazy split ends. No matter what I tried to do...there they were. I personally didn't feel my hair was made for relaxers.

So I got my hair trimmed and said i would try again. Then it hit me, i said I was ready to go natural AGAIN and I didn't care who did not like it.

So I got my last relaxer in the last week of March 2007. From that time I've done WNG, braidouts, twist outs, kinky twist (this summer for 1 month...hated it, but my hair was getting to me) and my good 'ol pony/puff thingy.

I got the urge to cut this summer, but I knew the length was not where I wanted. So to satisfy my urge, i just cut my bangs to make it natural.

I initially was going to wait 2 years, but I just got the idea that I wanted to start the New Year right. I wanted to shead all negativity and not bring any problems from 08 into 09. Well my hair was one of those problems, so it just fit.

On 12/31 i will have my mother help me cut off the last relaxed ends. She has always been supportive of my natural hair (shoot, she never wanted me to get a relaxer in the first place...and she always reminds me that I begged her and she never wanted it for me).

That is that ladies. I have previously post some throwback hair pics of my hair in other threads, but I will post them when I get home to this thread.

Thanks for all your support ladies. I will answer any questions that you may have and as I mentioned, I will post pics when I get home after work (tonight the latest).


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Sounds like your hair is coming full circle. Congrats to you on your impending BC. I'll be checking back for the pics. :)

Also, I can relate to relaxing my hair originally for a silly reason, and then later having to depend on "dorm room stylists" in college. Good luck on your natural journey.
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These pics are of the first couple of months with my relaxer. I just got back from the salon in the first one. The second is a WNG with relaxer. The third pic is the following year. You can see my hair thinning.


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I think these are from September


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This is where I am now


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Congrats on your decision to big chop!! I can't wait to see the final results. You have beautiful curls. :yep:
These were some rushed big twist I did when i was done washing my hair last week


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Thanks so much ladies. I really can't wait to BC. I mean technically, I can see what I'm working with bcuz the ends are cleary thin, but I still can't wait to make it official:)
Sounds like your hair is coming full circle. Congrats to you on your impending BC. I'll be checking back for the pics. :)

Also, I can relate to relaxing my hair originally for a silly reason, and then later having to depend on "dorm room stylists" in college. Good luck on your natural journey.

LOL. THey were cheap though:)

I love your hair. The thickness reminds me of my hair before I relaxed
Thank you for the compliments. And I am lovin' all the pics. Your curls are very pretty. I am glad I went back natural and I really think you will too. ;)
Thought I wouls add some pics of my hair from Oct. I got it flatironed...was at a party...lets just say my hair kep growing:)
The ends are brown because last year when I decided to go natural I wanted to experiment with some color since I have never put anything color in my hair b4 and I wasn't sure if I would want to color my natural hair. So I put this brown in (by myself) on my relaxed hair, but not quite all over. Anywhoo...


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Well goodness...I guess I will be talking to myself cuz I'm not getting many replies...LOL
Just kidding, I know you ladies are reading and that is fine.

At the very least this thread can act as a journal for me.

I am so anxious. I can't wait. I am 1.5 days away from the BC. Ooohhh. I just can't wait to wash my hair without these relaxed ends and just watch my hair do what it do:)

I'm ready for the next stage of my natural journey, I mean, the last time I went natural, I didn't care for my hair and I didn't try many styles. I am a simple girl by nature, but I do plan on switching it up every now and then:)

Well ladies. Since I'm traveling tomorrow night, I guess the next time I will post will be wednesday night...after my BC.

Wish me luck!!!!!
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beautiful curls. You have a good lenght of hair to start the new year with. I dont know how you transitionned but dang girl to wait all those curls to pop must take a lot of patience and I really admire that!!! You can only expect the best for 09!!!!! AND AGAIN BEAUTTTTTTTTTIFUL CURLS!
Well ladies...Happy New Year and....Happy BC to me!!!!! I did it and I feel so much lighter. I had a ball cutting my own hair (mom was busy cleaning up). As promised, I took pics!!!!

I love my hair and I can't wait to see it grow healthy and long and strong.

For the BC I used water, some moisturizer and my bootled denman (sp) brush. That brush really helped with the demarcation line. I sectioned my hair, combed it out, applied the moisturizer and some water then used the brush. I then snipped away. It was farely simple. I know i may have some straight ends left, but not too much.

After I finished cutting, I tried a few styles (low puff, high puff, scarf). After playing around in it I washed and conditioned it and let it air dry with out any product. I just wanted to enjoy my hair in its natural state for the new year. I'll put all that good stuff in it tomorrow:) goes...


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MOre pics:)


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and more...


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finished the BC


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Just checking on my styles:)


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well......congrats on the big chop......

funny, i am also seriously thinking bout going fact i have decided to do so.......

i was going to cut it straight away but will not do so yet because i have had a relax just a few weeks ago.

i really do hope your natural hair growing journey gives you much pleasure......

i hope to have the same courage as you :yep:

your hair is beautiful....
you know i had to try the puffs and the WNG


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THANK YOU LHCF!!! THANK YOU LADIES!!! you all have been such an inspiration. I look forward to my natural hair journey in 2009 and years to come.
well......congrats on the big chop......

funny, i am also seriously thinking bout going fact i have decided to do so.......

i was going to cut it straight away but will not do so yet because i have had a relax just a few weeks ago.

i really do hope your natural hair growing journey gives you much pleasure......

i hope to have the same courage as you :yep:

your hair is beautiful....

Thank you so much for your nice words.
Its good that you are interested in going natural. If you are not sure I would suggest you transition and just think of that stage as a long stretch period b4 your next relaxer (just in case you change your mind) But figure out what works for you.

Good luck!!!