New Transitioner, excited and open for advice.


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I just decided in the beginning of May to transition to natural hair. Every since I skipped my last touch up I have been doing my research and I've become the biggest (natural) product junkie. My question is for natural and transitioning ladies. What is your regimen? I'm interested in knowing what shampoos, conditioners, and oils and other moisturizing products you use.

SN: I currently use SheaMoisture products, emu and coconut oil. I do castor oil treatments twice weekly. I just bought jojoba, sweet almond, grapeseed, olive, and avocado oil, and aloe vera juice today.
hi Mels

I have been transitioning for 1 year and 1 month now, its been such a unique experience for me.

my current reg is so simple but not all of the products I use are 100% natural yet but they work for me and that's what matters


Prior to washing my i hair, i damp my hair with a little water then i put my EVOO in my hair and start to detangle. Put more evoo in my hair and i then i twist my hair into four sections. i put a plastic cap on and let the oil set in my hair for an hour

then i wash my hair while in twists with warm water then i start using my shampoo Elasta QP Creme conditioning shampoo , rinse out

next is the conditioner which is oilive oil replenishing conditioner

Then I use my dc Lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol leave that in my hair for two - three hours

Wash out with warm water

Let my hair air dry 70% then i use some argan oil and a little shea butter twist my hair up seal the ends with some more shea butter and thats it.

Oils i use in my hair EVOO, Argan Oil, Castor oil

moisturizers i use Oilive Oil Moisturizing lotion but recently i have made my own little mix up of water, and shea butter and the olive oil lotion which keeps my hair moist and super soft.:lick:

i also use mega tek on my edges twice a week and thats my reg simple but its working 4 me. :yep: HAPPY HAIR JOURNEY TO YOU
Yay! Another there's going to be another natural head in Baltimore! :D

I use Shea moisture products, too. I use the shampoo (moisture retention) once a week and deep condition once a week with Mixed Silk deep conditioner (Sally's much cheaper version of Mixed Chicks).

I use Aphogee 2-min once a week after I shampoo.

I cowash basically everyday (because I go to the gym/sweat a lot) with Aussie Moist and usually detangle in the shower. I use argan oil. Sometimes coconut oil....but 90% of the time argan oil. It makes my hair soooo soft :)

For styling products I use Shea Moisture Coconut&Hibiscus line mostly. The Curl & Style milk leaves my hair really soft and I can use it on wet and dry hair. The Hold & Shine mist sometimes leaves my hair sticky :ohwell: I have yet to figure out a way around this. I may have to stop using it.

I just recently started using some Original Moxie products. My favorite YT hair people did reviews on them and I thought I'd try them (I'm a product junkie too lol). I like them so far. I've been using the Oasis gel, Just gel, Lux Locks styling pomade, and the Hair bling for twistouts.

I use Just Gel and EcoStyler gel (the argan oil or olive oil kind) for wash & gos sometimes.

I don't use any conditioner that specifically says 'leave-in'. I just use the Aussie Moist that I cowash with.

I bought some of the Shea Moisture's Shea butter a while ago but I basically use it on my skin, not hair lol.

Hmm...I think that's all I use :lol:
Hey I'll be 6 months into my transition end of this month. I'm a PJ (I confess) so I have a lot of different products on hand. I really like the shea moisture line- I have the curly hibiscus shampoo and the deep treatment masque. I use a lot of oil- Vaatika oil, EVOO, Castor oil, coconut oil.

I wash once a week- prepoo before hand with conditioner or oil, shampoo, DC with ORS mayo or the Shea moisture masque. After this I use Castor and coconut oil to seal in moisture.

I use the Aveeda brilliance shampoo when I need to clarify.

I also co-wash once a week. I use either an Herbal essence conditioner (hydralicious is my favorite) or suave naturals conditioner. I usually add oil to this as well. (My hair really likes oil.)

I'm going to try Giovanni direct as a leave-in. I think I also want to try oil rinsing to see if it helps with detangling my hair.

I also rarely used heat on my hair now. I just flat ironed yesterday because its been about 4 months since I had. I won't again until the fall.

Advice? Hmm, if the products you have on hand now are working for you then keep using them. I like natural products like shea and aloe vera because they have multiple uses.

Keep your new growth moisturized and your hair detangled. For me the less I can manipulate my hair the better. Satin pillowcases are wonderful as well.

Be patient. I just realized that I haven't fully appreciated the fact that its been 6 months already! Sorry for writing an essay. :look:
Thank you all for the advice. I have since big chopped (although it was somewhat of an accident). I cried, but I'm love my natural hair and accepting and getting used to the length.
I transitioned for 18 months.. My regimen was:

Pre-poo with oils and moisturizing conditioner.. Oils I used was walnut, wheat gream, or safflower oil and castor oils.. Conditioners was what ever I had on hand.. (pre-poo helped with my tangles)

Co-washed all the time I did that more than shampoo..
Co-wash conditioner I used was Aussie Moist, Herbal Essence Hydralicious, Long Term Relationship and Yes to Carrots, Tomatoes

DC with steam sometimes or with heat I would DC with moisturizing Dc or DC with protein in it depending on how my hair felt..

When I did clarify I would use Eluence clarifying shampoo or Cream of Nature old clarifying shampoo..

Moisture all I did was spritz my hair with my water mixture b4 work and b4 bed.. I mostly wore my hair in a damp bun or fake ponytail..