New to the forum (well, sort of)


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

I have been lurking the forum for a little over a year now, and I have finally decided to subscribe! You ladies have such beautiful hair, and I was inspired by you all to grow my own hair out to longer lengths. I'm a natural head with varying textures :spinning:, but I absolutely love my hair! I didn't seriously start taking care of my hair until about December of 2010, also around the time I first registered. I have gleaned a lot of useful information from this site that has helped me on my "healthy hair journey". It took less than 8 months for my hair to make a complete 360 and now my hair is much healthier and of course longer. I hope to learn more from you all and exchange hair care info, share pics, ect. Well, that's all for now, thanks for reading.

-simplyevanescent :heart3:
:wavey: Hi and welcome! Make sure you use the "search" box! It can be your best friend when people aren't willing to answer some of your questions!
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Thank you all for the warm welcome!~

:wavey: Hi and welcome! Make sure you use the "search" box! It can be your best friend when people aren't willing to answer some of your questions!

Duly noted :grin:

Hello. Tell us more about your hair and journey.

Sure :) My hair journey is so complicated and long lol, I'll try to give you a semi-brief version.

I first started "transitioning" (didn't know I was doing this) in May of 2008; that was the month of my last relaxer. Back then my hair didn't mean much to me, I didn't care for it and I was always in braids or occasionally relaxed when I was tired of braids. I did absolutely nothing to my hair except slap some moisturizer in it and put it into a ponytail for weeks until I would either get a touch up or get braids. My hair has always maintained a little past shoulder length thanks to my dear stylist. :look: (Tangent: Surprisingly enough my younger sister still goes to this same stylist and her hair has by far surpassed mine in length when it was relaxed, it's about BSB, so who knows maybe I did have some dead ends.)

Anyway, the only reason I stopped relaxing was because I just simply did not like getting them. The burning sensation was too much for me and I was always left with chemical burns. I had no plan for what I was going to do after and I didn't know about transitioning or natural hair. I wore braids almost exclusively afterwards, but the forceful dry combing of the braiding salons did no miracles for the two textures (relaxed & natural) of my hair. :nono:

About a year after my last relaxer, I started getting a little into youtube, and saw people cutting off their relaxed hair so I thought "Why not?". I didn't big chop, but I was so amazed by the new texture of my hair that I slowly began to chop away the relaxed ends, this was late 2009 and my hair had grown quite a lot at that point. I kept cutting monthly, until the relaxed ends were all gone. By the summer of 2010, my hair had grown out, but I still didn't like the condition of it (I thought my ends weren't perfect enough *sigh*). I had braids installed and then that December (2010) when I took them out, I cut away 3-4 inches of my hair that probably didn't need to go. :blush: I didn't have a twa, but it was still so shockingly short to me because I had never had hair that short before. I was happy to have a fresh start, but I didn't know what to do with my hair so I covered my hair up with a beanie for the better part of that winter. Sometimes I would get so frustrated with my hair because I still hadn't really figured out how to deal with it or maintain it. It took me hours to detangle my hair or do anything with it for that matter. I have to say that my hair definitely got easier with length. It's by no means super incredibly long like some of you, but I can do styles I couldn't easily do before and it's easier to detangle as well. My shorter hair was very coily and shrunk up in the shower, but now it stretches out (I guess because it's longer and has added weight maybe?) My hair now is growing past where my relaxed hair was maintained and it looks better than it ever has thanks to the advice I've learned from here. Don't get me wrong though, I'm still learning so I can really get a handle on my hair!

Phew! So that still turned out really long. lol Hopefully I can add pictures and a regimen later. Thanks again for reading ladies!
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Welcome! Glad you decided to join us. :) Good luck to you on your hair journey.
Welcome to LHCF, and the story is long, but also interesting. You tell a good story. We're glad to have you!
Hello I'm a newb thats just starting to post I've been transitioning for 17 months I found lhcf this summer through hairlista and I'm loving the info I get on here
Thank you all again. :)

I've posted the basic regimen I have been following for a while now to my blog and a close-up of my hair texture.
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Hello everybody,

I have been lurking the forum for a little over a year now, and I have finally decided to subscribe! You ladies have such beautiful hair, and I was inspired by you all to grow my own hair out to longer lengths. I'm a natural head with varying textures :spinning:, but I absolutely love my hair! I didn't seriously start taking care of my hair until about December of 2010, also around the time I first registered. I have gleaned a lot of useful information from this site that has helped me on my "healthy hair journey". It took less than 8 months for my hair to make a complete 360 and now my hair is much healthier and of course longer. I hope to learn more from you all and exchange hair care info, share pics, ect. Well, that's all for now, thanks for reading.

-simplyevanescent :heart3:

simplyevanescent :kisses: Welcome to the forum you will really like it here.