New to the forum and newly natural (05-07 BC)!!!

New to the forum and newly natural (05-07 BC)!!! *PICS INCLUDED*

Hello ladies,

My name is Ashlee aka *Knotty_By_Nature* and I have been a forum lurker for quite some time. I was referred to the forum by my sister Yasmine913.

After reading and learning so much from this forum I decided to began transitioning and had my last relaxer on 02/13 of this year. I originally planned to transition for at least 6 months but I got that itch at 2 months and 3 weeks and just asked my sister to chop it all off. I plan on growing my TWA out for at least 6 months before wearing it out while getting to know my new hair. Right now it's just really dry even though I've been cowashing and moisturizing daily. Any tips for that would be helpful.

I have plenty of BC pics that I would like to post but am having computer issues at the moment. If anyone knows how I could upload pics to this thread from my G1 cell phone that would be great. Otherwise, I will post the pics another way a.s.a.p.!

Sorry this was so long winded. I just want to say I'm so excited to be a part of this forum. You all seem to be a great bunch of ladies and I look forward to getting to know you all! HHG!


ETA: My sister was able to post the pics for me on post #19!
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Welcome.....I can't wait to see did the same thing I did....I just said cut it off....after about 3 months

I second the user name too cute!!!
Welcome and congrats on your BC. I'm currently transitioning now and I'm planning to wait about a year before doing the bc. Enjoy your new hair!
welcome...what are you co-washing or moisturizing with? maybe your co-washes should alternate btw protein and moisture.

I'm experimenting at the moment. I'm co-washing with Aubrey Organics or Garnier Fructis triple moisture. I use Garnier Fructis triple moisture shampoo as well. I am moisturizing with S Curl or Carol's Daughter hair milk and sealing with Olive Oil or Coconut oil. I deep condition once a week with ORS Replenishing Pack.

And thanks ladies for the welcome and compliments on the user name. Pics coming soon!
First of all, congrats on your BC and welcome to the board!! I'm kinda new here too! My last relaxer was in November/December of '09 and I did my BC on 1-25-10!

My hair was really dry in the beginning too, but the frequent co-washings helped a lot.

I'm experimenting at the moment. I'm co-washing with Aubrey Organics or Garnier Fructis triple moisture. I use Garnier Fructis triple moisture shampoo as well. I am moisturizing with S Curl or Carol's Daughter hair milk and sealing with Olive Oil or Coconut oil. I deep condition once a week with ORS Replenishing Pack.

From what you wrote here, it sounds like you're doing all the right stuff to keep your hair moisturized. The only thing I can suggest you do different is to try Care Free Curl Gold Curl Activator in place of your S-curl. I never used the S-curl, but in reading comments in various places on this board, women who have compared the two seem to like the Care Free better than the S-curl. Personally, Care Free Curl Gold completely turned my hair around!! Even though the co-washing helped quite a bit, my hair would get this stiff, sort of dry feeling once it was no longer damp. :ohwell:

The Care Free made my hair ridiculously soft and has now become my primary moisturizer! I LOVE that stuff!! Maybe it will work better for you than the S-curl? Can't hurt to try! :yep:

Hope that helps!!

Oh, and I look forward to seeing your pics!!
Hey Sis & fellow LHCFers! :wavey:

Trying to help out. Here are a couple of pics:

Back view:


Side view:


Apologize for the poor quality! These were taken on my cell phone:ohwell:
First of all, congrats on your BC and welcome to the board!! I'm kinda new here too! My last relaxer was in November/December of '09 and I did my BC on 1-25-10!

My hair was really dry in the beginning too, but the frequent co-washings helped a lot.

From what you wrote here, it sounds like you're doing all the right stuff to keep your hair moisturized. The only thing I can suggest you do different is to try Care Free Curl Gold Curl Activator in place of your S-curl. I never used the S-curl, but in reading comments in various places on this board, women who have compared the two seem to like the Care Free better than the S-curl. Personally, Care Free Curl Gold completely turned my hair around!! Even though the co-washing helped quite a bit, my hair would get this stiff, sort of dry feeling once it was no longer damp. :ohwell:

The Care Free made my hair ridiculously soft and has now become my primary moisturizer! I LOVE that stuff!! Maybe it will work better for you than the S-curl? Can't hurt to try! :yep:

Hope that helps!!

Oh, and I look forward to seeing your pics!!

Oh....thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely try that out and let you know how my hair likes it!
Seen the pics of ur hair ur sis posted...I cant tell hair types but w/e urs is, it's very pretty =) blessings on your natural journey and welcome to LHCF
Oh....thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely try that out and let you know how my hair likes it!

Oh good! I look forward to your update!

As far as hair type, it's kinda hard to tell right now, though I believe I saw at least a couple of 3c curls in there. If you are anything like me, your hair will gradually change over time. Now that the relaxed ends are gone your true texture will become more and more evident over the weeks and months.

My hair started off with the appearance of a 4b. In a few weeks it had changed to a very definite 4a, and now, almost four months later, it almost seems to be something between a 4a and a 3c. :ohwell:

Personally, I try not to place too much importance on hair types. As new naturals it is understandable that we would want to take advice from women whose hair looks similar to our own, but really, this is no guarantee of healthy, successful hair care. What works for one head of natural hair, may not work for another, even if the hair looks similar. It may be frustrating at times, but we all have to kinda go through a trial and error stage, learning what our own head of hair likes and dislikes. :yep:

It may take a while, but the rewards are well worth it! ;)
Congrats and Welcome!!

When I first BC'd I had the same issues. Despite my living in a dry climate, it has improved somewhat. What worked for me most was co-washing, DC'ing weekly, and spritzing with a mixture of aloe vera juice (many other ladies use water or rose water) and vegetable glycerin along with your moisturizer.

Stick around... these ladies know their stuff!! :)
I was going to edit the previous post to show you how my hair changed over time, but decided to just do a new post instead! :grin:

Here's what my hair looked like the day of my BC. You'll notice that there is very little, if any curl definition.

This is about three week later. You can see a very clear curl pattern on this one.

On this last one, you may notice that the curls look slightly larger. Still have quite a bit of frizz though! I never can seem to get rid of that! :grin:

ETA: This last pic was taken about two weeks ago.
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I was going to edit the previous post to show you how my hair changed over time, but decided to just do a new post instead! :grin:

Here's what my hair looked like the day of my BC. You'll notice that there is very little, if any curl definition.

This is about three week later. You can see a very clear curl pattern on this one.

On this last one, you may notice that the curls look slightly larger. Still have quite a bit of frizz though! I never can seem to get rid of that! :grin:

ETA: This last pic was taken about two weeks ago.

Thanks for the pics...I love your curls! I am waiting patiently to see what my hair will do. This dryness is driving me crazy!!:wallbash:

AnotherLevel - Thanks for the suggestion! I will be sure to give that a try!