New to the Board, ? regarding Condition Washes

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I'm new to the forum and I have a few questions. I've been reading about the Condition washes and I need some help. My hair textures a 4A and my hair's about 12" long all around. I would like to try to the condition wash because I have frizzy hair one the ends, and my hair soaks up soo much moisture. I purchased the Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner. Can someone advise me to what I should do exactly and what are the full benefits?

Additionally, I'm talking GNC's Nourishair Vitamin. I believe I has 600mcg of Biotin and I take 2 a day. Should I take anything else?

Thank you /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't know much about the conditioning washes. I haven't tried them yet. I just want to welcome you to the board! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Some of the other ladies here can better advise you on the benefits of the conditioning washes. Again, welcome aboard!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Ola and bienvenidos! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />

I'm new to the forum and I have a few questions. I've been reading about the Condition washes and I need some help. My hair textures a 4A and my hair's about 12" long all around. I would like to try to the condition wash because I have frizzy hair one the ends, and my hair soaks up soo much moisture. I purchased the Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner. Can someone advise me to what I should do exactly and what are the full benefits?

Additionally, I'm talking GNC's Nourishair Vitamin. I believe I has 600mcg of Biotin and I take 2 a day. Should I take anything else?

[/ QUOTE ]

Conditioner Wash
Below are the basic steps of the routine as outlined in the book called Curly Girl (which started the no shampoo phenom, lol):

<ul type="square"> [*]Step under shower as if you're standing under a waterfall . Don't touch your hair yet, let the water run through your curls in the way they fall naturally. Resist the urge to start scrubbing your head and disarranging your hairs basic shape.

[*]Take a half Teaspoon of Conditioner use this amount to scrub your scalp only using the pads of your fingers. I did a post on this entire step. It's Located Here in bold

[*]Now Rub a half teaspoon of conditioner between your hands and smooth the conditioner on the outer layer of the hair. Now work more conditioner into the hair at the nape of neck and be gentle there because that is a spot more prone to breakage. smooth conditioner throuhout your hair now. Kind of use your fingers to gently comb the conditioner through your hair.

[*]Make sure to really distribute the conditioner evenly, the point is to prevent the curls from fusing with each other which damages the cuticle. Now rinse your hair.

[*]Add more conditioner and distribute again on hair ends, this time rinse and allow the water to distribute the conditioner, not rinse it completly out. [/list]

Those are the basic steps above. Now you can use WAY more conditioner than she specifies, and in fact she mentions that the tighter the curl, or the more damage that has been done to your hair, you will probably need more. After you experiment you will notice how much you actually need. I need less now, than when I started this routine 4 or 5 months ago.

So far the benefits are that it has really help to combat dryness. I am a 4a/b no relaxer. I notice that that my hair has a lot more shine/sheen to it since I began this regime. I'm also noticing a texture change in that my hair actually gets really wavey, whereas it didn't before. The curls that I have are more defined. And my hair is softer and can be moisturized without so much product which is nice.

Now About Those Vitamin Questions

I think the GNC is a good start, I would also try to get some MSM in there and additional Biotin. Most people use Country Life, or Puritan's Pride. The standard amount that seems to work is 5mg's of biotin before people began to notice results. Biotin is water soluable so you don't have to be concerned with toxicity. Also MSM is another good one, and there are different brands that people like. I understand that a quality type is Lignisul MSM (which is a trademark and then sold by different companies) here is more information about MSM in general Lignisul MSM Information

There were several testimonies here as to the benefits of MSM on several boards people have reported that it has doubled their growth rate. I think they were taking amounts of 3200mg or more. I think you have to experiment and see what works for you. This also is not a concern for toxicity. Here is another website which discusses the bio-availability (meaning how available it is to be used immediatly by the body) of MSM. It really gets into science and testing for purity etc.

Another trademarked brand which is supposed to be really good is OptiMSM (again another trademark, but best in quality and sold by other companies) here is a link to read about that here.

Anyway, these websites have a ton of info that will be benificial in helping you select the best MSM for yourself.

Last I would like to add that there are so many other vitamins to take, but I think you will be pleased when you add additional biotin (at 5mg). Our vitamin guru Jade, whom you will see when she returns really enjoyed the Puritan's Pride (click me) Brand. She got the 1000 mcg, and takes 5 per day equaling 5mgs. Or you can get the Country Life brand Here at Vitaminshoppe and then just take one 5 mg. biotin pill which makes things easier.

Anyway, I know this was long winded, but the links above have some really good info, and I hope they help. Dang, I had to break my long 'ol post into two sections. LOL! Anyway, only trying to help. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

And again, welcome! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Grabbing my inhaler /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif LOL!!

You know when I found all those links, I was like hmm...lemme print this out and study this until Jade comes back!! I miss her!!
Oops, sorry, ya'll can find some OptiMSM info here LOL! Sorry about the previous link /images/graemlins/laugh.gif, but there are some great links to click on in the search. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Thank you soo very much for all of the advice. I believe I will pick up some MSM and Biotin tomorrow.
dont forget that there is a great sale on puritans pride biotin 1000mcg 100 tabs for $2.80

heres the number 1800 221-1152
item number 7961