new to LHCF and looking for help and friends.


New Member
hello everyone,
ive been reading the threads on LHCF for a week or so now and i just subscribed. i think ive got the lingo down but i might need a little help. im transitioning to natural hair and im about a month into my hair journey. right now i wear my hair in rollersets and braidouts. i co wash every 3 to 4 days and dc every week. my one weakness so far is im a major PJ all because i wanna find the best product for my hair. if anyone has any tips for me or just wants to help this newbie out, please do. im so excited to be here. thanx for reading

best wishes to you all,
miss fresh lala
hello!!!, im a newbie as well. just bc'd in Dec 09.. i know thats one of my weaknesses too since i started this journey. I bought one last product today, and im not buying nothing else til all the rest is gone!!! Happy growing.
WELCOME I am another newbie who BC'ed in Nov 09... my hair has been in braids since my bc so I haven't really been trying any products.. but I still went out and purchased everything I hear was good and have yet to try them...( bad move, I know)!!!


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hey tif392002,
nice to see im not the only one. i had a question if u didnt mind and to anyone else thats reading how do you put your picture in the left corner. i have 3 pics in my album but im unsure how to attach them like everyone else. if anyone could tell me that would bbe great :grin:
Welcome. I had to giggle to myself at the lingo part. It is almost learning a new mini language isn't it. Again, welcome.
yeah i just bought hello hydration last night. it left my hair really soft and managable. i think im done buying for a while. another product i love is nexxus humectruss for dc's but its too expensive for CW. so thats why i got the HE hello hydration. i probably should have done the bc but i was too scared. SMH
Welcome! It sounds like you have a solid regimen so far. During my transition, I stuck to the same products and retained a lot of length. After I BC I became somewhat of a PJ which sacrificed some of my progress. There's nothing wrong with wanting to try new products but if you've found your staples then I would stick with them for awhile. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Happy hair growing.

You do become a bit of a PJ in the beginning, but once you find what works stay consistent.

Just try not to get caught on every bandwagon....sometimes it can do more harm than good

Best of luck and happy hair growing
Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

ITA w/ everyone else about sticking to what works! I do understand that you buy a lot in the beginning b/c you're trying to find what works for you, though.
:welcome: I'm a newbie as well. I too tried every product the ladies here mentioned, I now have a cabinet full of barely used products that didn't deliver the results I was expecting. Everything isn't for everyone.:ohwell:
Research more, you'll find your staple products. You can save a few $ by buying the trial or sample size products.
:welcome: Being a PJ is natural when you first start your journey! You have to see what works best for you and your hair...I wasn't as much of a PJ as I couldve been because I had some face to face help from LilaMae...if it weren't for her...I woulda had tooo much stuff and been broke from buying it Welcome aboard and HHG!!
Welcome Missfresh! (And welcome to the other newbies) I'm a PJ too :grin:

I agree w/ Bklyn about not jumping on every bandwagon and trying trial sizes first :yep:

I think it's great that you're transitioning. I transitioned from texlaxed (w/o BCing) and I'm loving the results!

There are plenty of friendly and helpful ladies here, so don't hesitate if you have any questions.
Hello! I am a newbie and I love this sight, I wish that I could have found it years ago. As a teenager I had hip length hair. When I turned 21 I cut it all off, since then it hasn't grown past my shoulders. know I know what the problem has been, perming every 4-6 weeks, excessive heat and wearing the hair down to much. I am so amazed at all of these beautiful black women on this board with all this beautiful hair. I have shoulder length hair and want it to be BSL. I am doing the 12 month weave challenge so in Dec I know that my goal will be accomplished.
Thank you, LHCF
hey tif392002,
nice to see im not the only one. i had a question if u didnt mind and to anyone else thats reading how do you put your picture in the left corner. i have 3 pics in my album but im unsure how to attach them like everyone else. if anyone could tell me that would bbe great :grin:

1. In the top left of the forum page you will see an option that says "User CP", click that then choose "Edit signature".
2. Go to and press the "browse" button to find the picture in your computer. Select it, if it is too big press the "resize this image" checkbox and set to 320x240
3. Press "Upload"
4. Next page will give you some codes to copy and paste. Scroll down to the bottom set of codes and copy the first hotlink for forums, paste into signature.
Welcome! All i can say about the pj is get it out of your system when i joined i tried everything i could get my hands on ordered all over the world lol.

Now i think of myself as disciplined as i have found stuff that works and don't want to mess up now.

Good luck!