New to LHCF and going natural....


New Member
Hello ladies :spinning:

I'm new to LHCF and I want to go natural. I've had permed hair since I was 11 years old( I'm now 22).I've played around with the idea for 2 years and I've finally decided that I'm no longer perming my hair. I go to a dominican salon faithfully every 2 weeks, and usually get a deep condition( avocado or nexxus emergency), and a blow dry to the roots. My hair falls just below my shoulders, but over the years I realized it seems to get thinner and not very much longer.(I just want healthy hair that grows!!!)My last perm was sometime around the last week of Dec. 2008 and I usually can do a 4/5 month stretch before perming again. Is it ok for me to still go the salon to blow dry my new growth??? I was thinking of doing this till about May and then trying braids, twist-outs, and other protective styles.I have so many questions....Is it ok 2 keep washing/conditioning every 2 weeks?(I've read that a lot of people condition every week). Also what conditioners, shampoos do you all recommend?I also noticed for years now, that my new growth in the front of my head is straight and the back half and along the hairline is wavy.Is there any way I can revert this?

All positive advice and comments are welcome....I know you all have probably heard these questions and answered them before but I'm new to maintaining my hair(and going natural) so advice is greatly appreciated.

Welcome Ingenious Mind!

My suggestion to you is that you check out the Transitioners Support Thread. Every lady here has a slightly different way that they treat their transitioning hair (although there are some standard things across the board).

There you will find a wealth of information.

Good luck and welcome again!
:wave: Welcome. IMHO, every two weeks at a Dominican salon is way too much heat. A lot of women co-wash couple times a week. So weekly for you would not be problem.

Here are some threads to get you started. There is a ton of information on this site, so utlize the search feature. Have fun.:sunshine:

Moisturizing conditioners


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When I first started transitioning I did that, I would get a wash and set every 10 to 14 days and let her blow my roots out, if my stylist didn't have to go back to DR I probably would've done it for a full year, eventually I went to protevtive styling. I say just pay attention to how ur new growth is responding.
hello and welcome :wave:

Allandra is a mod here who is natural but wears her hair straight, if you search under her name in the haircare forum you'll find some good tips from her.
Welcome :yep:

Is it ok for me to still go the salon to blow dry my new growth??? I was thinking of doing this till about May and then trying braids, twist-outs, and other protective styles.
There are women on here who use heat weekly or bi-weekly with great results. But doesn't work for me. If your hair is noticeably thinning out due to heat, I can't recommend that you keep using it.

Is it ok 2 keep washing/conditioning every 2 weeks?(I've read that a lot of people condition every week).
I don't see anything wrong with only washing/conditioning every two weeks. Do whatever works for you... But I did see a change for the better when I started deep conditioning weekly.

Also what conditioners, shampoos do you all recommend?
I recommend Elasta QP's Creme Conditioner Shampoo. It's sulfate free, gently cleanses my hair, and very affordable. I also like their DPR-11 Conditioner(another cheapie) and I'm a recent convert to Keracare Humecto. Just did a review on it today...

I also noticed for years now, that my new growth in the front of my head is straight and the back half and along the hairline is wavy.Is there any way I can revert this?
If that's your hair texture, I really don't think there is any way to make it more uniform outside of using permrods or other curlers to give it the same look.

Good luck on your transition :yep: I also recommend using the search feature and checking out the Transitioners thread too. That thread is filled with a ton of great info!
Welcome to the board! I was doing that at first but it was too much heat so I stuck with braiding and weaves until I did the BC...