New survey: Most newlyweds met online


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely not surprised by this. I met my fiance online.

So, How'd You Two Meet?
In the past, many couples met through friends or family, or through work. A recent poll shows that more and more, people are meeting in a more high-tech fashion.

Not so long ago, people used to be embarrassed to admit they had met their match online.

Now it's become the most common way to find love, according to a survey by eHarmony and Harris Interactive of 10,675 people ages 20 to 54 who got married in 2006 or 2007:

19.4% of newlyweds met online

17.2% made their love connection through friends

17.2% met their future spouse at work

8.8% learned to love someone they met at school

8.3% found romance at a party or other social gathering

Having some online options in addition to being set up on blind dates by a well-meaning great aunt is a good thing, isn't it?

Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.
I'm definitely not surprised by this. I met my fiance online.

So, How'd You Two Meet?
In the past, many couples met through friends or family, or through work. A recent poll shows that more and more, people are meeting in a more high-tech fashion.

Not so long ago, people used to be embarrassed to admit they had met their match online.

Now it's become the most common way to find love, according to a survey by eHarmony and Harris Interactive of 10,675 people ages 20 to 54 who got married in 2006 or 2007:

19.4% of newlyweds met online

17.2% made their love connection through friends

17.2% met their future spouse at work

8.8% learned to love someone they met at school

8.3% found romance at a party or other social gathering

Having some online options in addition to being set up on blind dates by a well-meaning great aunt is a good thing, isn't it?

Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.
I met my FH online over 3 years ago too.

I can relate to the statement in bold. I'm still sometimes hesitant to admit because some people still have negative ideas about online love.
THANKS! I meant to read this. The poll is by Eharmony, though. I wonder if there is any bias built in to the survey? :giggle: Good information, though.
Interesting... I'm going on a date this evening with someone I've been speaking to online, I'm nervous as allll gets out :drunk: :spinning: :drunk:
I'm not surprised at all. There are many people who look for love online but won't admit to it.
Interesting... I'm going on a date this evening with someone I've been speaking to online, I'm nervous as allll gets out :drunk: :spinning: :drunk:

Well, just came in from my date with my internet buddy and I was *pleasantly* surprised to say the least...I'm def. excited to see where this will go :spinning: :drunk::spinning::drunk:
When we met online 12 years ago, it was some kind of disgraceful thing my family whispered about. "Yeah, she's getting married. <hushed tones> some fella she met on the internet, ya know..." Kind of like back in the 60s when nobody said PREGNANT. They made the huge belly signal with their hands.
With my personality, I've always felt like I would meet my FH through the internet. That is interesting info.
When we met online 12 years ago, it was some kind of disgraceful thing my family whispered about. "Yeah, she's getting married. <hushed tones> some fella she met on the internet, ya know..." Kind of like back in the 60s when nobody said PREGNANT. They made the huge belly signal with their hands.

Wow, I bet that was something since you met 12 years ago when people thought only killers and crazies were online.

Congrats on your 12 years together! :)
I met my FH online over 3 years ago too.

I can relate to the statement in bold. I'm still sometimes hesitant to admit because some people still have negative ideas about online love.

I feel ya on that.

I met DH online in 2000 way back yonder before it became the "in" thing to do. When someone asks I say it in an intriguing way and they respond positively and may ask more questions about how that came about. Over the years some have recalled others they know that did the same. If I stammer or act ashamed then they'd view it negatively when it isn't. I could have bumped into him at the local mall or movie theater just the same as I met him online. Also, I was 18 so I think folks just think of it as me being young and adventurous.

ETA: I will say that I was hesitant with my parents though cause according to my dad- I'm baby girl. Also I was living under their roof at the time so I didn't really want to broadcast that I met a couple fella from the Internet. They were young folks too, but they probably would have seemed like predators. Lol.
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I met DH online, I wasn't even looking for a boyfriend or a date but he kept hounding me to see him. We chatted a lot and became friends. We dont tell certain people how we met.
Gosh, I've been trying to meet someone on the internet for the past 10 years and nothing. I tend to think the internet is the place I'll meet my future DH but thus far, no luck.
Well, just came in from my date with my internet buddy and I was *pleasantly* surprised to say the least...I'm def. excited to see where this will go :spinning: :drunk::spinning::drunk:

Good for you, A_New_Me!! I'm praying I have the same great fortune to meet my SO on line. I'm hoping it works well for you...PLEASE GO SLOWLY!!!
Good for you, A_New_Me!! I'm praying I have the same great fortune to meet my SO on line. I'm hoping it works well for you...PLEASE GO SLOWLY!!!

Thanks for the advice! I've told my buddy the same thing, and so far he doesn't seem to be in a rush for anything. I really want to move slowly, but not b/c I met him online, but b/c he's new. If I met him in person or through someone I'd still want to move slowly. But so far, it seems that we are both really into each other with is very very very strange, at least for me, since I tend to be very picky and not even attracted to most dudes.
If things go well between us, I don't think I'd really tell most people we met online :sekret: . We even kinda agreed on that already :lol:
I met my FH online over 3 years ago too.

I can relate to the statement in bold. I'm still sometimes hesitant to admit because some people still have negative ideas about online love.

My fiance and I met online. I have no reservations about it, he does however. It came up now that we're planning our wedding, and he wants us to lie about how we met, Im not so comfortable with lying. I dont see what the big deal is.
i must admit if i was to date someone online i would be a lil embarrassed about it lol i dont know why though, maybe one day it will happen cause ive been approached by people on facebook so who knows lol
I joined after hearing about it in the "Did you meet your DH/SO online" thread.

I have had tons of guys IM me and send me messages. But no luck so far, I am really picky.

I do highly recommend this site simply because it is not like the other typical dating sites.

First off it is free. Secondly it allows you to answer hundreds of questions and the answers to your questions are compared to all other members of the site. Next to the persons avatar it gives you a % as to how will you and that person would "match". There are plenty of testimonals from people who have gotten married after joining and meeting someone with a very high match percentage(75% and higher). Lastly the forum section is very entertaining, it reminds me of LHCF, I've witnessed so very funny stuff over there.

Anyway, it is worth checking out ladies.:grin:

Even though I really enjoy the website I am looking for others to join as well to increase my "dating potential" for 2009.:look:
My fiance and I met online. I have no reservations about it, he does however. It came up now that we're planning our wedding, and he wants us to lie about how we met, Im not so comfortable with lying. I dont see what the big deal is.

It's not a big deal unless you make it into one. Some older folks might not understand the concept, but you two serve as an example that two normal people can meet on the Internet, fall in love and get married. Oh yeah, and have a cutie pie daughter. :grin: