New Stylist Wants to use NO-LYE -


New Member
I have been going to this dominican salon for a few months, my first relaxer there was a motions by my request. I need a relaxer now and the stylist wants to use Soft and Beautiful NO-LYE. I told her that I use LYE relaxers and she said I could switch and it wouldn't damage my hair. She said she has been using Soft and Beautiful NO-LYE relaxers for years and it is very good for the hair. She puts some sort of conditioning agent made my salerm in it. Any thoughts will switching damage my hair? And I always thought Lye was better for the hair than NO-LYE since NO-LYE caused your hair to be dry and brittle. I am not going to let this lady damage my hair. PLEASE HELP!
You should do a patch test first. I know some stylist can be intimidating but whose hair will be on the floor if it doesn't turn out?

Not everyone can switch between relaxer types. I can only use lye. When I tried a no-lye relaxer, my scalp started to burn in less than a minute and I had not only sores but bald spots and my hair stuck to my scalp for two weeks! It broke off something terrible all because I asked for a lye relaxer, they looked at me as if I were crazy and I felt about two inches tall because why would a stylist lie and say no-lye was better for me? The same stylist who had been doing my hair for years and knew darn well that I never had a no-lye relaxer before.

Event though she tells you that she has been using it for years, the ladies hair that she's been using it on is not your hair. Only you can make the decision.
I personally wouldn't risk it. I'm sure the stylist is nice, but you don't owe her anything. Stylists willing to use the appropriate relaxer and to rollerset without hot combing or hot curling are sparse. But with 22 inches of hair, you have some idea of what works for you. Don't switch it up now.

If you don't plan on relocating within the next 2 years while you're gaining 8 more inches to reach your goal, you should do consultations or call around town until you find a stylist who will use a lye relaxer of your prefered brand and strength CONSISTENTLY.
I agree with the others. Stick to what you know. If your hair is doing fine with what you've been using, don't switch just because the hair stylist wants you to.