New Pics Of My Braidout

Your braid out looks really good. I would like to also know whether you did regular 3 strand braids and what products you used.
I was applying MTG to it throughout the week. I washed my hair with Ouidad Water Works then I put the VO5 Kiwi Lime conditioner left that on for about a minute then I put the Sally's Humetress conditioner, left that on for about a hour.

I then rinsed, braided, and put rollers on the ends.

That was it. It came out soft like butta. Not sure if the MTG had anything to do with it or not, but one thing the MTG is not making my hair grow :(.
I'm sorry the MTG is not working for you, but on a bright note, your hair looks really cute!! I'm still struggling w/the braids outs. :(