New Naturals: have you experienced dryness?


Well-Known Member
In the early stages of being natural, did anyone experience dryness?

My hair isn't always feeling "soft"... especially in the mornings... it feels so dry! :( :(

Is it normal to experience dryness early on as a natural? I've only been natural for 1 week.

Do I need to do deep conditioning treatments every couple of days for a while or something?

I know that looking at naturals' fotkis, I have noticed that their hair looks more moisturized overtime after the first few weeks. My hair just feels... odd, sometimes.

This morning, I used a friend's shea butter, and it feels much softer.

Is there anything I can do??

Most people have issues with dryness, shrinkage, and tangles the first few weeks while they're still figuring out their hair's needs.

All you can really do it experiment with some basics and see what your hair responds to. My hair is soft when I use castor oil. It likes some conditioners as leave-ins better than others, and I make my own moisture spritz with aloe vera and glycerine. This last batch I added some rose water, so I'm excited to see how it goes.
When I first BC'd my hair was not as soft as I wanted it or it is now. (others thought it was soft) I would say it took almost 3wks for it to settle and rest after the stress of the relaxed hair. Things that I did to help up my moisture was:
1. Baggying overnight with either a cheapie condish or a deep condish depending on what was going on. Or leaving my cowash condish in as a leave-in.
2. I did a protein treatment then a moisturizing DC.
3. Incorporating stretched styles (braids and twists) since your hair isn't constantly exposed to the elements it holds moisture better.
4. Started moisturizing twice a day with either a leave-in or my moisture spritz.
5. Making sure I sealed with either coconut or castor oil (or any oil you have or like)

These are a few things that worked for me. At this stage its just a lot of trial and error thru experimentation. I agree with Soliel you just have to keep track of what your hair likes and doesn't like. HTH. HHG!!
Most people have issues with dryness, shrinkage, and tangles the first few weeks while they're still figuring out their hair's needs.

All you can really do it experiment with some basics and see what your hair responds to. My hair is soft when I use castor oil. It likes some conditioners as leave-ins better than others, and I make my own moisture spritz with aloe vera and glycerine. This last batch I added some rose water, so I'm excited to see how it goes.

^^ co-Signing...I am still trying to figure it out, but my hair REALLY likes natural oils and jojoba oil all over and pure shea butter on the ends. This seems to be working the best for me right now in terms of adding moisture to my dry feeling hair.

Also, I had to get a new shower head that filter minierals and chlorine, etc. out and it helped a TON with some of the hardness I was experiencing...:yep:


Hang in there, you will find something that works for you...
Thanks ladies!

I have been doing wash-n-go's the past week, and I don't think they are a style that i want to continue doing once the semester begins (next week), just because it will get chilly outside pretty quickly, and I need to protect my ends.

I am already dealing with some knots, but i believe that's both from not detangling everyday (haven't detangled in the past 2 days :( ) and from having a few remaining straight ends.

I am so eager to get rid of the straight ends so that the frizziness can go away.
In the meantime that I am learning actual styles and getting my product list together (i'm style challenged and need tutorials! :look:) I am going to start baggying my hair at night.
My hair literally felt like straw when I first BC'd. Watery leave-ins didn't work, butters weren't very useful and using olive oil as a leave-in made my hair feel so crunchy too. When I found castor oil, I felt the difference immediately. It's what worked for me personally. I think every newly natural has a period where they have to find the products that work for them and before that happens their hair may not feel that great.

With that said, it's not unusual for my hair too feel dry in the morning if I have not baggied. I don't see it as something to panic or worry over. Maybe your hair is just the same way. I usually co-wash in the morning if it feels dry. When I had a TWA and was pressed for time, I'd put a little bit of water in my hair and then seal.
Glad to hear I'm not alone! My hair was ROUGH just yesterday, but I also hadn't co-washed in a good few days.

I need to stay on top of my moisture game!
Yes my hair was dry in the begining. What I found that worked for me was. DC'ing regurarly, co-washing daily, sometimes baggying at night, using oil to seal in my hair after I moistrurize in the morning. Now my hair is usually soft all day long and I've noticed that even the center of my head that is usually very dry is moisturzied throughout the day.
Yes my hair was so dry that i actually started to think if beeing naturl was a good idea. What i did was to make a big mix with Emergencia, Honey, Glycerin, Pantene pro-v Restoratives and olive oil. I putted that mix whole night for three days and my hair started to feel ssooooo soft again. No wi do this mix at least once a week
During the first week of my big chop my hair felt the same in the mornings and very hard to comb, Pookiwah suggested i try Aloevera gel+Glycerine+Rosewater spritz, after spraying into my hair i seal with castor oil. my hair has been really soft all day afterwards. i also think you should cut down on shampooing if u do it regulary, i deep condition once and week, and co wash every morning. i use a sulphate free shampoo every week before i apply my deep conditioner.
My hair stayed dry until I started using Qhemet to moisturize with. I dc'd biweekly and cowashed frequently. My hair has turned completely around now. :yep:
With that said, it's not unusual for my hair too feel dry in the morning if I have not baggied. I don't see it as something to panic or worry over. Maybe your hair is just the same way. I usually co-wash in the morning if it feels dry. When I had a TWA and was pressed for time, I'd put a little bit of water in my hair and then seal.

I know from your pic that it's been a LONG TIME since your TWA:grin:, but when exactly did you start baggying? My lil spriglets seem to resemble the texture you have, and I'm having the same problem...I'm really dry in the mornings. I used to tie my hair up nightly, and now I feel like sleeping without my beloved doobie is stealing my nightly applied leave-in....Any tips???
My hair can be rough and dry sometimes... dry more often than not. For me moisturizing with cremes 2x daily and protective styling really does the trick. Glycerin water sprays do well for me along with a little shea butter or carrot creme oil by Hollywood beauty. I use them depending on what my hair needs.
Can you all tell me what ratio you use to make your Aloevera gel+Glycerine+Rosewater spritzes? I've seen so many variations.

Now that the weather is turning for the fall/winter I won't use this spritz because the glycerine will have reverse affects on my hair, but I'll be ready to incorporate this by next spring/summer.

Can you all tell me what ratio you use to make your Aloevera gel+Glycerine+Rosewater spritzes? I've seen so many variations.

Now that the weather is turning for the fall/winter I won't use this spritz because the glycerine will have reverse affects on my hair, but I'll be ready to incorporate this by next spring/summer.


My mix is 60/40 spring water to glycerine - I haven't tried the rosewater.
You've received some great tips but I wanted to add my pernt to the mix!

My hair is always dry right after waking up or laying on it so I've just come to accept that part. But what helps to soften it all day pretty much is apple cider vinegar rinse. It is amazing at how soft it makes your hair. It clarifys basically all the gunk or residue you might have on your hair. I love it.
Drink more water... determine if it's oily and dry or just dry. If oily but dry you need to add a thick and creamy moisturizer. If Just dry, try adding she butter and follup with an oil.
I to understand the dryness, I to drank water til the cows came home and my hair was still dry LOL!! the only thing that worked for me was QB Heavy Cream, but like someone said it is all Trial & Error.
I have to agree with everyone. My hair when I chopped was DRY but you gotta work with it. It took me a couple of months, but you'll get it right. Once you get the moisture thing under control it's all gravy from there. As I posted on another thread, depending on the thickness of your hair, you may need more and/or a heavier moisturizing product. I've been able to find the combination of the thickness between a product and the amount I need on my hair. My rule of thumb is, the thicker your hair/strand the thicker the product and vice versa.

Things like coconut oil do nothing, but sit on top of my hair and do not penetrate it to moisturize it at all. While a heavier oil like castor oil is all I need!! So you may have to experiment with the consistency of the product and how much of it you need on your hair to get the job done. Some say a dime or quarter size amount of product is all you need, but I don't think that's true for all. That may be true for a small section, but not for the whole head.
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I know from your pic that it's been a LONG TIME since your TWA:grin:, but when exactly did you start baggying? My lil spriglets seem to resemble the texture you have, and I'm having the same problem...I'm really dry in the mornings. I used to tie my hair up nightly, and now I feel like sleeping without my beloved doobie is stealing my nightly applied leave-in....Any tips???

I literally just started baggying less than 2 weeks ago. It was something I didn't see the point in bothering with until recently when I decided to leave my hair out of the braids for a while. Unlike when I had a TWA simply wetting my hair and leaving 10 mins later was no longer a reality. Plus, if I had to keep wetting my hair it meant I could forget about preserving any styles I had done the day before. So I started doing a hot oil treatment before bed using olive oil and then wearing a shower cap underneath my scarf. In the morning, my hair was soft, it didn't matt up and it had shine. I notice that sometimes I can forget the baggy and my hair is still softer than it used to be in the mornings.

I think the shower cap helps lock the moisture in. If you want to preserve your leave-in, that may work for you. Some people also baggy without anything on their hair but the heat makes their hair soft. Maybe you should test it out.
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