Any pharmacy/ BSS should carry it
I'm going to DC tonight and leave it on. I hate DC'ing under a dryer. My skin is too sensative for the heat. I'll wash it out in the morning before work and then apply oil to seal in the moisture.
Thanks for your help!
My hair was like that when I BC-ed as well. I think with time, your hair begins to adjust and you will as well.
I agree with Bmore, your hair may be "in shock". Just make sure you use a good moisturiser. You may find that you won't need water as much later on. I only wash my hair once a week. My hair actually starts to look better when it's dirty .
I think you should just give it some time, and don't be afraid to experiment with products . HTH
Girl my goal is to have a glistening sparkling soft fro!!! CAN I GET ONE! LOL!
Leave ins do nothing for my hair. Some of them seem to make it harder to detangle or make the hair hard. That slip is not there. The softness dissapears. I love spritzing my hair though. That always works for me. I'm scared of the henna so I will do more research but I'm with the spritz combo.
For the ladies that are using glycerine, where do you buy glycerine?
Tell me why my hair doesn't abosorb any moisturizing products without the help of my best friend glycerin.
Really? Thanks! I may purchase some this weekend. What does it do? Moisturize....or "seal in moisture"? Does it make your hair really slipppery?
I've been using glycerine for 2 months now. What a difference in my hair!!!
Byebye dryness. I mix glycerine, water, castor oil (and sometimes I add hempseed oil) in a spray bottle and apply twice a week. My hair stays moisturized for days.
Got mines from whole foods