New Miracle Product Grows Hair Instantly! -- Hey I’m New!!


New Member
Hi Everybody!
I’m new here. Had to get your attention with something crazy!

I’ve been visiting this site for about a year, sneaking in through my friends account & I finally decided to get my own account. I started my “Hair Process” at the end of 2007. My hair is natural, I dyed it jet black before, so it has been colour treated but that’s it. My texture is kind of curly, I’ll attach texture photos. Before, I started ACTUALLY taking care of my hair, I used to straighten it all of the time! :wallbash: I didn’t even realize the damage I was doing to my hair, I just noticed it would always stay at the same length.

In September of 2007, I decided to do a major chop to my hair, it went from just beneath shoulder Length to my chin. Right after, the cut, I hated it, I got weave, and wore it for a month. Then I started my Regime around October, November.. I just remember it was Fall 07’, I started bunning, all of the time. I started testing out new products on my hair, anything from Indian Products of Amla, to Henna, to Mane & Tail & Crème of Nature.

I’ve been bunning for the last year, straightening once, every month, or every two months. Sometimes, I also do twist-outs, or braid-outs. My ends of my hair, has changed drastically too, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments for them, and I haven’t needed a trim in so long! The next time I’ll be straightening my hair will hopefully be in April.

I think I have finally found something that works for me! I believe everybody’s hair reacts to products differently, and I know this because I have so many wonderful ladies in my family, and everyone gets different results!

But if you are interested in finding out more about my hair, feel free to message me!
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Good for you Mz.Nique...Happy growing...My little sisters hair just refuses to grow our act right...This story gave me some hope
Welcome Mz. Nique! You really got my attention with the title! My dumb*ss hurried up and clicked LOL. I should know better! That was a good one. :)