New member


New Member
Hello Ladies!!

My name is Kimberly. I have been lurking on this site since Nov '04. I decided to introduce myself. This is a really great forum with lots of good info. Last June I officially decided to take care of my own hair, because I had a very abusive hairdresser who did not like doing long, thick hair. I have tried other hairdressers since then, but I haven't found one that I feel comfortable with. I have no set regimen for my hair. Most of the time I wear my hair curly. Occasionally, I blow dry and flat Iron. Since reviewing this site, I have taken up airdrying and flat ironing. I have been relaxing my hair since I was 14 yrs old. Currently, I have been using the Phytorelaxer since August. My last no lye relaxer was in May. Hair relaxers have never really straighten my hair, they only slightly relax the curly and bulk of my hair. I believe that my hair type is 3a/3b relaxed and 3c/4a natural??? I posted pictures in the members gallery. I will post more later.
Thanks and I look foward with chatting with you all.

Glad to have you here. And glad to see another PhytoRelaxer user in the house. Your hair is GAW-GOUS!
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