New Member


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I just joined this board, and I've been tryin to read up on all of the previous posts...but...there are A LOT more than I expected!

I have 3C hair mixed with 4A in some places, I think!! I am currently washing my hair with Nexxus Luxery Shampoo, and conditioning with Pantene Pro-V, and following up with Nexxus Hummetress (sp). Then I follow with Infusium 23 Leave-In Treatment, and IC Leave in Conditioner. I use Profectv on my scalp and ends, and wonder 8 oil on my hair. Before my shampoo I do I hot oil treatment. And I do a conditioning wash with the Nexxus once a week. I currently use a no-lye relaxer, but I plan to switch to Mizani when I return from summer break. I also use Nexxus Keraphx when I have breakage. I dry using the twist out or braid out method or I just let my hair air dry.

Thanks for all the advice ladies and I hope to keep up with all the great info you are putting out!


P.S. Here is the link to my pic..the hair in the photo is 4 inches longer than my hair NOW because I had a disasterous experience with a hair stylist:
Welcome to the club DatJerseyDyme. Supergirl's signature mentions the #1 way to keep your hair long is to stay away form stylists (something like that!) I bet you can attest to that! But don't worry, it will grow back in no time!
Welcome to the boards DatJerseyDyme

Your pic is gorgeous. I agree with Daviine, stay away from those scissor happy, finger-clicking, hand snippin' stylists! Don't stress it though. Your hair will be back in no time
Welcome to the board! Sounds like you have a good hair care routine. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!

Nessa~Welcome to you also!

My hair care regimine is new...I just added the Hummectress yesterday..and my twist out came out GREAT!! I think it's a keeper! Other than that..I've been using this regimine for about a month...and parts of my hair are growing sooo fast!!
4 weks since my last relaxer..I'm going to get my next one in about 5 weeks..after that I'm going to start waiting 12 weeks for my relaxer. I do have a question though:

The middle of my hair is growing faster than the front. This is BAD because I am trying to grow my layers out. Any suggestions?

Welcome to the board DatJerseyDyme, You will love it here. And you photo is so nice.
Welcome to the board, DatJerseyDyme.

I think Pebbles - one of our Moderators and Features of the Month - has had great success with Nexxus Products. Sounds like you are well on your way to longer, healthier hair.
Thanks again for the warm welcome ladies. I think I'm going to stick it out with the Nexxus because my hair wasn't BAD when I didn't know what to do with it, but now that I'm learning what to do with it...My hair should be better!!
Hiya! I remember seeing your pic on another board


Your hair regime sounds almost like mine,I'm in love with Nexxus products they work so great on my hair.

Keep up the good work you'll be back to your original length in no time.
Welcome DatJerseyDyme!

With the great info on this board, I'm sure you'll grow that 4 inches back in no time...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
DatJerseyDyme said:
The middle of my hair is growing faster than the front. This is BAD because I am trying to grow my layers out. Any suggestions?

[/ QUOTE ]

The middle of my hair ALWAYS grows faster than the front which is why my hairdresser applies the relaxer there first. I don't know how to get it to all grow at the same rate, but I wanted you to know you're not alone.
welcome to the board and if u have as much success as other pple have had wit the nexxus i belive u'll gain that 4inches and more soon!! p.s. that is some PRETTY hair
Thanks again for the warm welcome ladies! And thanks for all the compliments!
I feel welcome here already and I'll be posting more in no time!!! (After I have experience first!!! Who wants hair advice from someone who doesn't know much?!!!)
Everyone has stuff to contribute. We've all had setbacks and successes. When you share those, you're more than likely to help someone out.

I'm not a haircare expert nor is my hair down to my knees or feet, but I'd like to think that I've helped a few people here and there.

Girl-----post........I can't wait to hear from you!!!
Welcome DatJerseyDyme!!!

What a beautiful picture. I'm sure you'll gain your length back before you know it. There's a lot of good advice here!
