Okay, I finally posted some pics

CaramelHonee - your hair is beautiful!
It loosk beautiful CH. Keep up the good work, it's paying off.

You are the one that get's their relaxed every 30 weeks or so right?
Very pretty darlin'! You are too! Lovely color results...me gusta mucho!

That's exactly what I imagined.
Way to represent for the "caramel crew"! Your hair looks so healthy!
stop fishing for compliments (as if you need to) your hair is in top condition and you dont need a trim. STOP IT!!!!
Your hair is so shiny and healthy looking...I can really see the difference in the amount of growth. That's great!!!
Thanks ladies
and Pandora, I am no Giselle
(from ANTM)...
Ngaa -
The straightness comes from the relaxer, I am too much of a chicken to use a flatiron because I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.
LD - Yes, I was the 30 weeks.
Britt- No, I do not take vitamins, I initially took GNC Ultranourishair but it broke me out something fierce. I am going to start (yet again...LOL) taking Cod Liver Oil pills and GNC Ultramegawoman.
CaramelHonee, your hair looks BEAUTIFUL! Very full, healthy, and so much sheen. Keep up the good work.
you mean you get ur hair like that by airdrying??

[/ QUOTE ]

OH HELL NOOO!!!! LOL. I get my hair rollerset and than a doobie wrap with the pins and all.
A picture of your hair should be in the dictionary under the definition of 'healthy hair'! I looks great girl! Keep up the good work!
I did do 2 or 3 of my own relaxers in the past, but this time, I left it to the professionals. My regimen is really simple: wash, conditioner and rollerset twice per week. When I don't rollerset, I add in a 3rd washing and leave my hair in a a couple of ponytails so I can comb it out in the morning and put it in a bun. Since I plan on incorporating some type of workout regimen (and hopefully sticking to it), I will more than likely continue with the 3rd conditioner only wash.