New Member Needs Help!!- Natural Hair knotting up


Well-Known Member
Hi, I just signed up, and I need help. I have natural hair (1 year), recently chopped of nearly all of the permed portions. Problem is I am getting major split ends, not just on the ends though, throughout the shaft. I am also getting knots at the ends of my hair; sometimes by themselves, but sometime right above or below a split end.

Please help.....
Hi stroll. Welcome

When you chopped your hair do you know if the scissors were very sharp? Do you take care when detangling or do you just 'tear through'? Do you sleep with a satin scarf covering your hair every night? Do you moisturize often? Do you have a balanced diet with adequate protein? Just some things to think about.
Hi and welcome!

Take a good look at your regimen. Make sure that you are careful when you detangle and style your hair. Also, when my hair starts knotting excessively, I know it's time for me a trim.
Thank you guys for the welcome. Let me start at the begining. I am on a good vitamin regime [Folic acid 400 mcg's; b-complex 100;especially for women, multi - vitamin shoppe; silica -50 mgs; pantothenic acid - 100 mgs; Vitamin c - 500 mgs; Biotin 300 mcg; and evening primrose oil - 500 mg's]. my diet is ok; not great, but ok. I moisturize every other day. Originally I was using Carol's Daughter - Some of Marguerite's Magic. Then I started to use African Formula Bio-Pure Leave on Conditioner & Moisturizer (GREAT). Recently I switched to using pure coconut oil and elasta qp recovery.
My texture is probable 4a, really soft, but prone to tangles. I'm tender headed - part of the reason I went natural. And I guess I shouldn't complain. I have had a full 6 inches of growth in a year. It's just that now I'm seeing the split ends and knots.

The weird thing is that the split ends are anywhere and everywhere on the hair shaft.

I know this is really long, but please if any one can recommend someting, I'd really appreciate it.
Are you using heat? (blow dryers, etc) I would suggest not using heat.
Use a good detangling conditioner
Only comb when your hair is wet and with conditioner on it
Use a WIDE tooth comb
Comb from the ends and work your way up
Very little manipulation to your hair.

Ditto everything Syoulee suggested. Also make sure you don't use any ol' scissors to trim, but use hair scissors and use them for nothing but your hair. They're usually as sharp as your hair needs.

Use a seamless comb. Plastic combs have seems that can rip at your strands. Do a search on the forum "newer than 1 year" to find a bone comb.

Perhaps this link might help with split ends.
Your hair sounds alot like mine...what helped for me was giving myself a trim, I also realised I still had a few relaxed ends. I'm learning to stop stressing about the tangles so much, after I do my weekly detangling with conditioner I try to do styles that don't require combing throughout the week. I also found that since my hair is a bit weak, protein helps to strengthen it. I use Surge 14+ daily and also Aubrey's GPB once a week now. HTH and BTW welcome to LHCF!!
knots happened to my hair when i was wearing it out all the time and rinsing daily. with protective styling they have dramatically decreased. start off with a small trim.

good luck!
I am texturized but I also get a lot of knots. I spray my ends with surge before protective styling and that has helped prevent tangling and knots more than anything else.
Re: New Member Needs Help!!- Natural Hair knotting

You may need to change your regimen a little and incorporate a protein conditioner into it. Try something like Aubrey's Organic's protein conditioner (I think it's called GBP) or Back to Basics Vanilla Plum (it is a fortifying conditioner with vanilla, plum, and natural proteins). Vanilla extracts are supposed to provide natural emollients, prevent breakage and split ends, and relieve styling stress. Plum has amino acids, and is suppose to improve strength, and the natural proteins {hydrolized wheat, soy, and corn proteins) are suppose to help strengthen, increase elasticity, and help retain protective moisture. This conditioner has 'cones in it though, so if your hair does not react well to 'cones try the Aubrey's Organics conditioner.

Just make sure to follow up with a good moisturizing conditioner.

Re: New Member Needs Help!!- Natural Hair knotting

I agree with the ladies who suggest a trim.

The hair fraying in mid strand sounds like friction damage. Do you comb or brush your hair daily? Do you frequently get your hair braided and then take it out yourself? Do sleep on a cotton pillow or with a cotton scarf or leave your head uncovered?