new hope


Well-Known Member
recently, alot of my close friends (both male and female) have become "bunned up" and are now happy in relationships and a few are even getting married. I couldn't be happier for them, and it makes me happy, to see them happy. especially since these are friends who as long i've known them have always been single. and seeing their relationships makes me realize how dysfunctional my dating life has been. which is sad realization. lol but, i'm glad to see that not all men are jerk scumbags. :lachen:j/k and looking back at the two relationships i've had they were dysfunctional and filled with drama. with the same common theme of me wanting more out of the relationship, and them wanting to "chill" and not define the relationship, and us always arguing and them cheating. but, seeing how effortless it should be, really makes me hopefull.