New there a such thing as hair vitamin overkill?


New Member
Hi everyone!....I'm another newbie here and am so glad I found this site! I have been playing around with this site and finally decided to join!. Please forgive me because I'm still very confused with all the acronyms. But just a quick story on me. I have a great grain of hair. My momma used to say "You got Indian in your family chile!"....well maybe!!...LOL...Anywho I take "okay" care of my hair meaning I'm not doing all that I can to care for it. I do all the basics-shampoo, condition, and maybe deep condition on a good day. I'm looking to do more with my hair. I would like to maximize my hair's growth potential. I can never get it to grow longer than my shoulders. I believe this site will help with that.

But here's my first question...I've been browsing through many posts on this site as it pertains to hair vitamins but am wondering is there a such thing as hair vitamin overkill?...I'm interested in taking hair vitamins but I'm confused which ones to take...because I'm already taking everyday health/body care vitamins....I'm worried that if I take any of the other vitamins on this site...they may net themselves out and have no effect on me or my hair at all...:spinning: Pleae help with advice!!
Your body will use what it needs and you'll pee the rest out.

UNLESS it's vitamins A, D, E, iron, and K. Those vitamins are oil soluble. They are NOT flushed out like other vitamins. Their excess is stored in the liver and can become toxic to your body.

Be careful of how many of which vitamins you take, so that you don't cause problems for yourself.
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Hi everyone!....I'm another newbie here and am so glad I found this site! I have been playing around with this site and finally decided to join!. Please forgive me because I'm still very confused with all the acronyms. But just a quick story on me. I have a great grain of hair. My momma used to say "You got Indian in your family chile!"....well maybe!!...LOL...Anywho I take "okay" care of my hair meaning I'm not doing all that I can to care for it. I do all the basics-shampoo, condition, and maybe deep condition on a good day. I'm looking to do more with my hair. I would like to maximize my hair's growth potential. I can never get it to grow longer than my shoulders. I believe this site will help with that.

But here's my first question...I've been browsing through many posts on this site as it pertains to hair vitamins but am wondering is there a such thing as hair vitamin overkill?...I'm interested in taking hair vitamins but I'm confused which ones to take...because I'm already taking everyday health/body care vitamins....I'm worried that if I take any of the other vitamins on this site...they may net themselves out and have no effect on me or my hair at all...:spinning: Pleae help with advice!!

Hi and Welcome Soror!!!!

I am currently taking Maxi Hair, I was taking GNC Ultranourish Hair but the Maxi Hair has more ingredients and was cheaper. I am having great results with it - I have seen where some are using hair vitamins along with biotin supplements and are suffering from breakouts ....I don't take a Multi vitamin in conjunction with my hair vitamin as it pretty much covers everything I need - you may not need to incorporate anything else your current vitamin is doing the trick...I would have to agree with the statement in bold....too much of anything is not good....

I agree with Denise, be careful with those vitamins.

Since you're already taking a multi, you can add a simple vitamin like biotin, b-complex, fo-ti, kelp, silica or chlorella to the mix.

IMO, as long as you take natural, high quality supplements, I doubt there will be any problems. I've seen people who take more than 10 different supplements a day :yep:
Yeah you're body will pee the rest out. This is why when I took GNS's HSN I had florescent green pee. But I think if you don't drink enough water you def will break out. Too much of anything in the body is toxic so be carefully. A lot of thee supplements and vitamins are not FDA approved. Heck even stuff the FDA approves is bad for us, so just be careful ingesting stuff all willy-nilly.

:yay: Welcome to this Wonderful World of Addictive Advice, Bountiful Bandwagons, and the Home to all Product Junkies (big and small)! :grin:

I would say that taking one multivitamin would suffice. But if you're considering adding more vitamins, I say consult your physician. You know what they say, "Too much of a good thing..."

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Your body will use what it needs and you'll pee the rest out.

UNLESS it's vitamins A, D, E, iron, and K. Those vitamins are oil soluble. They are NOT flushed out like other vitamins. Their excess is stored in the liver and can become toxic to your body.

Be careful of how many of which vitamins you take, so that you don't cause problems for yourself.
That's the basics of what you need to know. If it's water soluable, you will excrete the extra you don't need. If it's fat soluable, you need to monitor amounts. If you search on the internet for each supplement/vitamin you are thinking of taking, you will be able to find out what are the maximum tolerated dosage is for each one. As with anything YMMV (your mileage may vary), and definitely consult with your doctor if you have questions.

I personally take:
  • Trader Joe's chewable multivitamin
  • Chewable vit C
  • Flax seed oil
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • MSM
(those are taken with breakfast)
  • GNC UltraNourisHair
(taken with lunch)

  • Caltrate (Calcium)
  • Vit C
  • Biotin (5 mg)
  • MSM
  • B-complex
(taken with/after dinner)

Most of what I take is based on Bargello's Regimen. I'll be adding silica back in, as soon as a buy some. I drink at least 94 ounces of water each day now. I found I had breakouts when I wasn't drinking as much water, and also when my biotin dosage was higher. I take MSM twice a day because I have problems with my right knee...but it's also good for hair.

Whatever you decide to take, definitely do some research. I added Vit C after learning it helps with the absorption of other supplements, namely B-complex, Biotin and MSM. Calcium carbonte (which is what the Caltrate chewable is) should be taken with food - it will absorb better once you activate the acid inside your stomach. Also, check any multivitamins you take for the amount of iron - some of them have iron and some don't. If it does have iron, and you are not anemic, you may want to get one that does not have iron. I believe TJ's multi has 50% of the RDA for iron...I am slightly anemic, so it works for me.