New Hair vs. Broken Hair


Well-Known Member
How do you tell the difference between new hair that is growing out vs. broken hair from a split end or just broken? I recently got my hair rebraided and I have all these short hairs sticking up from the braid. I thought this was from the African braid shop I went to where the woman went over my head with a cigarett lighter. But now I'm wondering how do I know this isn't new hairs growing in which of course would not be a long as the older hairs.
This is hard to tell so I would not do anything. When I had my braided I use gel to smooth these hairs down. The salon should putting the lighter on your ends only not over the entire head. Let you hair grow and put a gel or heavy grease on the areas tie it up with scarf and they will be flat. I also use to use little warm water on my braids then hair grease then scarf. :)

ElizaBlue said:
How do you tell the difference between new hair that is growing out vs. broken hair from a split end or just broken? I recently got my hair rebraided and I have all these short hairs sticking up from the braid. I thought this was from the African braid shop I went to where the woman went over my head with a cigarett lighter. But now I'm wondering how do I know this isn't new hairs growing in which of course would not be a long as the older hairs.
The FIRST thing you should know is to NEVER let them burn YOUR hair. The CORRECT method of braiding is the seal the ENDS (burned or otherwise), and then trim the little hair sticking up with scissors. If you are unsure if the little hairs you see are broken or just stray "short" hairs within the braids, you can always play it safe by using a light pomade to slick over the braid and wear a scarf to lay the hairs down. It's hard to tell what is broken and what is short while in the braid which is why it is important to have your hair in "good" condition before getting braids. But I've been getting my hair braided every winter and what I do is just have them trim the little hairs sticking up in the braid with scissors. When I take my hair down, I never notice any damage. So the hair you see is hair that has already existed. The only "new" hair would grow from your scalp and will not stick up in the braid, as it has not been incorporated. It will grow from your scalp and actually lift the braid. There will also be no random strands. HTH