New hair typing system created today

No crowns for 1s and 2s? Are they tiaras then?

This is not a new system, just different using different feel good terms for the categories. I've long postulated that most people know good and well where they fall on Andre's scale. Some just don't like it which is why keep seeing these alternatives that are essentially the exact same.
The only thing that I like here is making 4c hair the gold standard :yep:

it’s been obvious to me for a few years now that Dee from Nappturality was a seer. She predicted that if we didn’t center type 4, kinky hair in the natural hair movement, it would be pushed to the margins. So I guess I do like how placing 4c hair at the top of the precious metal metaphor is an attempt to do that.
This is unhelpful. But honestly, the hair typing system itself is unhelpful and lowkey useless. The only typing system that was helpful was one that was posted to Black Hair Media (I think?) YEARS ago that specified textures of hair, like cottony, silky or thready. That in combination with the LOIS system and the Andre Walker system would actually be useful and really paint a picture of someone’s hair.
So is there an actual 4d hair category, or this that just a thing?
It's not a part of Andre Walker's hair typing. I always thought people were being funny when they said that.
Neither were 1b, 1c, 2c, 3c, nor 4c, until people on hair forums added those categories because they felt their hair type didn't fit into the chart. And I've seen arguments even on here about YouTube hair gurus whose hair seems to defy categorization.

No crowns for 1s and 2s? Are they tiaras then?

This is not a new system, just different using different feel good terms for the categories. I've long postulated that most people know good and well where they fall on Andre's scale. Some just don't like it which is why keep seeing these alternatives that are essentially the exact same.
Some people still haven't let go of the ignorant "good hair/bad hair" dichotomy. In all fairness, though, the system itself was designed with ignorant roots (:lol:). Andre Walker himself was quoted in an interview as saying that "Kinky hair can have limited styling options; that's the only hair type that I suggest altering with professional relaxing." That in itself should have been a giant red flag, and he did get a lot of flack for it (and other ignorant statements) but people took his seemingly simple system and ran with it.
When I was a little girl and I saw someone with long healthy hair, no matter the type, I thought it was good. It really doesnt serve any real attributes. Even low porosity, high, med. I see mostly everyone moisturize and seal, with dry/curly hair types, that remain healthy regardless of texture.
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