hair typing visual

I think my hair is a LOT more rude than just about refuses to play nice, and yours looks so much more cooperative. :perplexed: in the CG book, it's closer to East West curls, with a Ton of North curling action. A bit like I was struck by lightning.... :nono:

I keep looking for the product that's going to make my hair play nice, and curl real pretty...

looks are deceiving believe me when I say I know how to give it that illusion of being cooperative.
Same here! It Looks thicker than it really is, and if I don't weigh it down with gel it looks like 4'ish hair....but it's just super frizzy 3 hair, that stands on end. Only in the nape area do I have those perfect pen coils...everything else is just Wild woman hair. :nono:

This chart doesn't include my loose 3a curls...that don't even really look like curls, but more like S waves. I like the CG chart a bit better, but nowhere really do I see hair that looks like mine...frizzy, and unruly. :nono:

This is me!!! If i don't put something with hold in my hair to calm it hair literally looks like a cotton candy on a stick. With the faint curls in it and everything!

My nape is more tightly curled. Idk if i'm more 3b/3c or 3c/4a bc all the hair typing of this type is so confusing.

The majority of my hair looks like this

Favorite Curls.jpg

But my nape is more pin-springy:spinning:. But i think the CG typing is a little better...even though i'm between Corkscrew and Corkicelli:dizzy:

I don't know what to call my hair so i just say its kinky curly or its Crinkly.:grin: (Curly and Kinky mix)
This is me!!! If i don't put something with hold in my hair to calm it hair literally looks like a cotton candy on a stick. With the faint curls in it and everything!

My nape is more tightly curled. Idk if i'm more 3b/3c or 3c/4a bc all the hair typing of this type is so confusing.

The majority of my hair looks like this

View attachment 153829

But my nape is more pin-springy:spinning:. But i think the CG typing is a little better...even though i'm between Corkscrew and Corkicelli:dizzy:

I don't know what to call my hair so i just say its kinky curly or its Crinkly.:grin: (Curly and Kinky mix)

the tighter the curl the more inclined I am to say 3c/4a but remember that when your curls are shorter they draw up more. Now if your curls are long and STILL do the little coily thing, then 4. But if they stretch out into bigger S-shaped loops, 3.

Big curls and swirls are more in the 2something and 3a 3b range.
I gave up on hair typing. According to this chart I'm 3B which I'm not. My hair shrinks up like a shrinkie dink but it's wavy with curls at the end. I believe I'm 3C but if I manipulate it in a certain way it can be 4a.

empressri you're my hair twin and I know exactly what you're talking about

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I gave up on hair typing. According to this chart I'm 3B which I'm not. My hair shrinks up like a shrinkie dink but it's wavy with curls at the end. I believe I'm 3C but if I manipulate it in a certain way it can be 4a.

empressri you're my hair twin and I know exactly what you're talking about

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yeah that's why I tell everyone to look at ONE hair and not a cloud of hair because let's face it, on a poufy day some hair all looks the same. Pluck one strand of hair and let it dry without any product. I have those loopy S-shaped hairs all over the place when I'm done.
SmilingElephant said:
This is me!!! If i don't put something with hold in my hair to calm it hair literally looks like a cotton candy on a stick. With the faint curls in it and everything!

My nape is more tightly curled. Idk if i'm more 3b/3c or 3c/4a bc all the hair typing of this type is so confusing.

The majority of my hair looks like this

But my nape is more pin-springy:spinning:. But i think the CG typing is a little better...even though i'm between Corkscrew and Corkicelli:dizzy:

I don't know what to call my hair so i just say its kinky curly or its Crinkly.:grin: (Curly and Kinky mix)

I can't even say what type my hair is. Weighed down with water, it just stretches into small waves, and curls at the ends. Dried with no product, it just shrinks down into a fluffy, frizzy fro, with springy curls in the back. With gel the curls clump into what mostly looks like 3b, and 3c in the back.

The first pic is with product, and the other two are of freshly washed hair.

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According to this chart I am 3B/3C.I consider myself 4A. I think it's another way to say type 4 hair is not curly.
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ITA Embyra SmilingElephant
CG is more descriptive

I'm confused at folks saying the 4a pic is correct. IIRC 4a is described as coily hair, circumference coffee stirrer. That pic does not look coily at all. Maybe reaaaaallllly stretched coily hair.
I guess I'm in the minority here but my hair fits the description for 3c and 4a. For me, there is more of a destinction between 4b and 4c but not by that much. Then again, I don't focus on hair typing so I could be wrong.
Shay72 said:
ITA Embyra SmilingElephant
CG is more descriptive

I'm confused at folks saying the 4a pic is correct. IIRC 4a is described as coily hair, circumference coffee stirrer. That pic does not look coily at all. Maybe reaaaaallllly stretched coily hair.

On forums I have noticed 4a is curly not ''kinky''
I dont agree with andre on everything at all but IMO the type 4 he is talking about and the type 4 people mention on forums tends to be VERY different

I said before someone told me on here my hair is 4a like Cree summers ....

However Cree summers is mentioned as 3b by Andre walker so yeah... :-/

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On forums I have noticed 4a is curly not ''kinky''
I dont agree with andre on everything at all but IMO the type 4 he is talking about and the type 4 people mention on forums tends to be VERY different

I said before someone told me on here my hair is 4a like Cree summers ....

However Cree summers is mentioned as 3b by Andre walker so yeah... :-/

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Embyra Andre's hair typing system has been so bastardized on the hair boards that I don't think it can even still be compared to his original system.

These are the hair type descriptions from his book:

Straight Hair (Type 1)
Type 1a - Straight (Fine/Thin) - Hair tends to be very Soft, Shiny, difficult to hold a curl, hair also tends to be oily, and difficult to damage.

Type 1b - Straight (Medium) - Hair has lots of volume & body.

Type 1c - Straight (Coarse) - Hair is normally bone straight and difficult to Curl. Asian women usually fall into this category.

Wavy Hair (Type 2)
Type 2a - Wavy (Fine/Thin) - Hair has a definite "S" pattern. Normally can accomplish various styles.

Type 2b - Wavy (Medium) - Hair tends to be frizzy, and a little resistant to styling.

Type 2c - Wavy (Coarse) - Hair is also resistant to styling and normally very frizzy;tends to have thicker waves.

Curly Hair (Type 3)
Type 3a - Curly (Loose Curls) - Hair tends to have a combination texture. It can be thick & full with lots of body, with a definite "S" pattern. It also tends to be frizzy.

Type 3b - Curly (Tight Curls) - Also tends to have a combination texture, with a medium amount of curl.

Kinky Hair (Type 4)
Type 4a - Kinky (Soft) - Hair tends to be very Fragile, tightly coiled, and has a more defined curly pattern.

Type 4b - Kinky (Wiry) - Also very fragile and tightly coiled; however with a less defined curly pattern -has more of a "Z" pattern shape.

Note that there is no mention of a type 3c or 4c. 3c's would fall into the 4a category, and 4c's would of course fall into the 4b. His system does not account for every slight nuance of each individual head of hair, the way we want it to on the boards; But I think it is a lot more descriptive and relevant to caring for the hair, than just trying to figure out the size of your curl only.

ETA: And this chart was discussed a few weeks ago, for anyone interested.
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Theresamonet said:
Embyra Andre's hair typing system has been so bastardized on the hair boards that I don't think it can even still be compared to his original system.

These are the hair type descriptions from his book:

Note that there is no mention of a type 3c or 4c. 3c's would fall into the 4a category, and 4c's would of course fall into the 4b. His system does not account for every slight nuance of each individual head of hair, the way we want it to on the boards; But I think it is a lot more descriptive and relevant to caring for the hair, than just trying to figure out the size of your curl only.

I wish I could find it but I remember someone saying they asked him about the 3c type and he said its the same his 3b

Rachel true is the hair boards 3c and she definitely is not the 4a kinky he is talking about

I agree it has been bastardised which is why if someone asks me I'll just say type 4 type 3 etc I don't get into the rest

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It looks pretty accurate to me. Those are factory extension patterns and if you were buying hair that matched yours (almost) perfectly then that pattern scale would work. I'm a 4b/c. Most curly extension hair is in the 3's. Those of us with hair in the higher pattern numbers tend to improvise with the type 3 weave.
That's the beauty of having my hair. I have absolutely no confusion. My hair is 4b with no 3 or 2 patches in it whatsoever. Very uniform all the way around. If I had to try and figure anything else out I might be a little frustrated with it all.
What good is hair typing, seriously? It just seems like a another way to divide us. I think I'm 3c/4a, but I really don't know. Personally, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything as a result of not knowing my hair type.
Is no one else bothered by that they are using weave to demonstrate this and probably synthetic weave at that hahahahahaha
That's my hair out if the shower. I know I have a mix of medium and find strands of hair but I know also that I fall into the 4's category. Any idea?


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That's my hair out if the shower. I know I have a mix of medium and find strands of hair but I know also that I fall into the 4's category. Any idea?

You look 4a to me girly! My oldest daughter hair is just like this but a silky texture. Kind of a mixture of yours and mahogany curls on YT.


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