New Hair Invention...for the long haired chics struggleing w/ scarves/bonnets


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New Hair Invention...for the long haired chics struggling w/ scarves/bonnets i dragged my sick but out of the bed...washed and flatironed for my Uncle's 80th B-day bash.....since I felt like crap, I washed and flatironed on Friday pm..(the event was Sat at 6 pm)....]OK...
So I do the darn thing, and put rollers in my hair (yes the hard plastic ones.....and wrapped my hair with my REAAAAALY long/large scarf.... ..
The scarf always covers all of my hair and the rollers, but if you even notice, it forces the rollers into a certain position, and the bonnets just bunch them up all over your head..(when i roll it, it's just about only 5-6 inches of hair rolled up in in in several different layers)....
WORST darned night of sleep in my I took the scarf off and lay down for a while with the rollers just hanging free...Boy I wished I had a bonnet that would allow you the comfort of the hair/curlers hanging naturally while giving the protection (satin/silk) that you needed.
So I started thinking...hey, I wonder how you make a bonnet. i went into the bath and grabbed a plactic cap, cut the elastic and tool it "apart" to figure out what exactly was the shape...
After that, I went downstair and got a length of silk (yell I buy it by the skein!!!) and cut a large circle with a LONG oval shape tail (looked like a retarded tadpole...) seweed a gutter into it and ran a length of elastic thru it.......
VIOLA>>> I have a silk bonnet that sits on the fornt of the head w/ some room to roam and a LONG "tail" in it!!!!! Like a retarded now you ladies who have issues w/ putting on scarves and then a bonnet to cover the rest of the hair.....there ya go
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O.K. that sounds very do-able cause I just had the same experience of trying to stuff all these darn rollers into a regular bonnet! I never sleep in the rollers, but it's for times like today when I was doing Sylver's scarf method. I sat under the dryer for about 30 minutes and was going to let it airdry for the rest of the day. In the meantime, I wanted to take a nap at some point during the day but needed to put something over my rollers. Sure could have used your invention!!

Can you post pics of your finished bonnet in your fotki??

blackbarbie said:
O.K. that sounds very do-able cause I just had the same experience of trying to stuff all these darn rollers into a regular bonnet! I never sleep in the rollers, but it's for times like today when I was doing Sylver's scarf method. I sat under the dryer for about 30 minutes and was going to let it airdry for the rest of the day. In the meantime, I wanted to take a nap at some point during the day but needed to put something over my rollers. Sure could have used your invention!!

Can you post pics of your finished bonnet in your fotki??

Surre....I'll go take a pic now...i'll put some curlers in in just to show how it hangs

ETA Ignore the the crazy position I had to take the pic in...arm slung over head...taking reverse pic in mirror holding a mirror!!
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How much will you be selling your bonnet for? You may have a million dollar invention on your hands, If I were you I would definately be trying to market this...
brownsugar9999 said:
Surre....I'll go take a pic now...i'll put some curlers in in just to show how it hangs

ETA Ignore the the crazy position I had to take the pic in...arm slung over head...taking reverse pic in mirror holding a mirror!!
BeautifulWideEyes said:
How much will you be selling your bonnet for? You may have a million dollar invention on your hands, If I were you I would definately be trying to market this...

ITA. :yep: You will help a LOT of ladies. I has this problem just a couple of weeks ago. Your idea is brilliant. :think: