New Growth Love....


New Member
I'm getting ready to go through my whole hair wash/deep cond thing, and my hair is loose to get ready for my olive oil pre-poo, and I can't keep my hands out of my head! I keep feeling the 2 inches of curly new growth, and fantasizing about having a head full of those curls...

I made the mistake once of transitioning to natural and not taking care of it. (and by mistake, I mean the part about not taking care of it..not going natural..I know how people get when you don't clarify :D )

Since I've been on LHCF and know more about natural AND relaxed hair care, I don't know which way to go. I don't relax my hair in the spring/summer, and haven't relaxed since December, so I might as well just let it ride and try natural again. I don't know though...I like relaxed hair....

..but I'm loving how my new growth feels
Sounds like your mind is made up, Missy!!!;)

I would go natural. You can always get your hair straightened for the relaxed look. Or what about getting it texturized?
I know what you mean! I love playing in my NG too and was transitioning up until this month, then I caved and got a relaxer......I don't regret it though. I love both relaxed and natural hair. That's the beauty of our hair- we have sooo many options :)