New Growth Help!


New Member
I am a newbie and was a 3-4 week self relaxer......well I am doing my first stretch and I am 8 weeks post...Things are getting kinda fuzzy up there and I started Mn treatments. My question is what else can i do besides rollersetting. I dont know how to weave or braid, my haris is not long enough to bunn and I would like to try and stretch until christmas.
braidout, twistouts, and scarf method. If you know how to make single braids, you can do a braidout. HTH.
If you are looking to have your ng lay down then at night after yu moisturize use a little light gel and tie it down with a silk/polyester scarf. I am 11 weeks post and that's what I do to get it to lay down. Twists are good too, they look nice but I find them time consuming.
Bantu knots for a curly look if you're style challenged!

Part hair into sections, depending on how many you want.
Take a section and twist it tightly until it coils and you can wrap it around itself into a sort of ball on your head.
In the morning take it out-instant curls!

My description sucks though but its pretty easy and worth it and Im sure someone around here has pics or you can google it.
I am a newbie and was a 3-4 week self relaxer......well I am doing my first stretch and I am 8 weeks post...Things are getting kinda fuzzy up there and I started Mn treatments. My question is what else can i do besides rollersetting. I dont know how to weave or braid, my haris is not long enough to bunn and I would like to try and stretch until christmas.

that's really good for a first stretch. you doubled your normal time! How's your hair doing otherwise...have you noticed any increases in breakage or difficulty keeping it all moisturized?
The scarf method is a life saver. I'm super chicken about heat and have been stretching my relaxers 8-12 weeks.

Instead of gel I actually use either Elasta QP mango butter or a mix of cholesterol con, a little oil and then tie down my hair.