New Growth and Individual Braids


New Member
I got some braids last Tuesday and I am hoping to keep them until January (that will be the 1 st anniversary of my transitioning). The braids have loosened up tremendously and it's only been a week. I fear that by the time December gets here that my hair will look a mess and I will probably need to get some braids redone because of all the new growth. I hope to get at least 3-4 inches of new growth by January, has anyone received that much new growth or more while in braids for 2-3 months? If so, what was your regimen?
I wore braids for 6 months redoing every 2 months. I got about 5 inches of new growth. I didn't have a regimen coz I didn't know about this board. I only washed at the end of the 2 month. I know I know well I now know. I cleaned my hair every Sunday with ORS herbal cleanse and sprayed it with ORS olive oil. On the scalp I used WGO. I'm getting braids again next January and I will not be doing that to my hair now that I know better. But I was able to retain 5 inches of new growth which was my goal.
When I had braids I got a great deal of gorwth. What I did was spray my hair with a moisturizer that contained glycerin twice a day once in the morning and one t night. I think that what actually makes the hair grow is your leaving it alone. Maybe you cvna use your Surge, wash weekly and taken some supplement you will surely reach your goal.

BYW are you a model? Your pictures are pretty
Thank you Tonya, no I am trying to get into acting seriously, I am doing a couple of local films, but I am trying to go big time. Either acting or production, I went to school for both.

Yeah, hopefully it will work exactly as you say and as planned, that the Surge and the braids and other care will work well. I had braids in Januray and kept them for a while and I got some good growth, but I also got some good breakage, I hope this time I just get growth, especially since I know how to take care of my hair better.

Debyjay, why did you say that the techniques you were using were not good, do you feel you needed more or less? I bought ORS Olive Oil (I've always wanted it, but when I saw the braid stylists using it, I went on and got some for my briads), I also have the cleanser, my friend gave it to me the last time I got braids, but I haven't used it yet for this round. I like the Olive Oil, because it soothes my itchy scalp.
Hi DDHair, I didn't wash my hair for 2 whole months and I have now learned that that's not a good thing. Now the reason I didn't wash my hair was coz I remember my mom getting a lot of growth while in the hospital and unable to wash her hair. Like Tonya said leaving your hair alone makes it grow, however, I think I need to deep condition it weekly this time around.
You talkin about the olive oil SPRAY or the olive oil in the jar. I have both, myself. I dont care for the olive oil jar, but then again maybe i didnt put it through my hair right. I like the spray, esp cause it smells nice.