New Growth after Vitamins

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I know we have had this discussion before but I was reading the archive of another hair board I frequent, when I came across a series of posts with weird but exact new growth measurements, (like 1 1/8 in a week, 4.5 cm in ten days, etc). How do you measure your new growth after starting a new hair growth regimen? Do you actually put a ruler or tape measure to your scalp or do you just estimate?

Also, relaxed women, when you start a new hair growth routine, do you usually wait until a fresh perm or do you just take note of how much new growth you started out with? Natural women, how do you determine how much new growth you have gotten after a new hair growth routine? I ask because I noticed a lot of women on one of the other boards I frequent do something wrong. When they start a new program, they never take into account the new growth they already had. When it is time to measure, they discover two inches of new growth after a month and a half of vitamins, not realizing that their last relaxer was three and a half months ago. I didn't say anything because as the only person there not getting over two inches every month, they would write it off as jealousy. Some of their monthly measurements would have you all SERIOUSLY scratching your heads though. They claim to get 3 and 4 inches a month by merely taking prenatals or using a special grease. I think they are misleading the other members, (unintentionally of course), and not to mention themselves. Besides, I imagine it would really throw them off in terms of progress when they look back on that year and see that they still only grew 6 inches, if that much. Just because of that I had to redo my hair journal to say that I started out with about 1/4 inch of new growth. I just started Viviscal and an extra 1/4 would throw me off in terms of Viviscal-related growth. What do you ladies do?
I know what you mean. I haven't really measured my entire length because of underprocessing. I'm planning to wait until my next relaxer to measure. I can tell where the underprocessed hair ends and the new growth begins, so I might go ahead and measure that.
I measure my growth w/ a measuring tape. I'm able to measure my growth to the permanently hair color that I have on my ends. I had my hair permanently bleached Jul '02, so, I'm able to measure from root to the top of the color. I haven't had it colored again....
I usually measure my hair by popping a strand out and measuring it's length with a ruler. I'm thinking that this is counterproductive so I've started putting a ruler on my scalp and placing the hair along the length of the ruler to get a measurement. It's not as accurate but it works well enough. I also keep a hair chart. I take hair strands from certain sections of my hair each month and tape them onto my chart( YES I think I'm the epitome of a obsessive compulsive hair junkie :-p).

Honestly speaking, I don't think I've noticed any hair spurts by taking vitamins. I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't want a spurt but what I really and truly hope for when I take supplements is STRONGER hair. You're more likely to see me rush an take supplements that are supposed to strengthen or thicken hair strands.I have baby fine 4a/4b hair. The individual strands are sooooo thin and as a result they are much easier to break than the average hair strand. As long as I'm getting around 6 inches a year I'll be happy, so long as my hair doesn't break off in the process.
I wear braids, so I'll usually measure the new growth sticking out of the braids. After I take the braids out, I straighten the hair or stretch it out and measure the whole length. Then look at the difference from the last measurement and divide the diff by however many months it's been.
I measure after relaxing with a measuring tape.
I don't measure from "hair line to ends" or "scalp to ends"... for me it's easier to just measure the hair hanging down my back. My STARTING POINT is the back middle lower neck (where the neck meets the shoulder) down to the ends.
I measure once every 2 months so I can see the inche of growth(If i do it more often I go crazy because I think that my hair is not growing fast enough ). I do it after relaxing, on dry hair, from hairline to end.
I measure with a ruler every month. I plan on having pictures soon for all to see. I haven't updated my profile (length).
It's hard for me to tell. I used to tell by measuring the amount of virgin hair vs. relaxed. My new growth is much softer now that I'm treating my hair nicely, so I can't exactly see how much growth I've gotten. So I guess I'll have to measure the whole strand. Anyway, there is some growth, but time will tell. Friday will mark the end of week one of my new vits.