New Fotki Update


New Member
Hello all,

I usually don't post much on this board.:look: But I'm very much a regular, you all are great individuals and I've enjoyed my time here thus far. Anywho, I've always taken pictures of my hair but, I've never had the courage to post them in an album or let alone post them here. But, after I experimented with Keracare yesterday I just had to do it. It's my first time using fotki so bear with me:lol: . But, I'm 11 weeks post in the photos and I was very pleased if I say so myself. Let me know what ya'll think :D

Thanks :grin:
pswd: progress
Your curls are awesome. which relaxer do you use? and how do you like the keracare products? thanks for sharing
you hair is really pretty!
*I think you did a good job with the fotki. There is nothing wrong.*
den1 said:
Your curls are awesome. which relaxer do you use? and how do you like the keracare products? thanks for sharing

Sorry for the delay I've been busy with midterms :eek: . First of all thank you very much for the compliment :) . I really like the keracare products they keep my curls moist all day, and they smell good. I see why so many enjoy their products. I've switched relaxers a few times *I know bad*, but at first I was getting Motions, then my hairdresser switched to Dudely's, then I found a new hairdresser who I just love, and she uses Affirm. She doesn't leave it on too long, just enough to loosen the curl. I have pieces that are straighter than others and that comes from the motions days where my old hairdresser didn't understand what a texturizer was. I hope I answered all your questions and thanks again for the compliment :grin:
caribeandiva said:
you can get your hair to look like that airdried? wow!! *gets pen and paper ready to take notes*

Lol yea the keracare really made a difference. When I usually airdry my hair it comes out as a curly afro, with all the fuzziness in the world :lol:. Imagine the looks I get when I go out on a predominately white campus, but I like the wild look. But, I do the usual, wash with the hydrating shampoo and if it's time for a deep condition I'll do so with the Neutrogena Hair Mask they have. While my hair is still damp I'll put in the Humecto, followed by the jojoba oil moisturizer, then I'll put black castor oil on the ends, and the silken seal all over. Because I'm so many weeks post I have to add more product to tame my hair. But usually after a touch up, I just use the pantene smooth start comb in treatment *it has green on it*, and this product keeps my hair moist all day and defines my curls. I haven't been able to try keracare after a touch up yet though. But, I will in December:p
dang gurl!!!!!! I wouuld have never thought you was relaxed nothin!!!! Your hair is soooo pretty. I would wash n go forever if I had it like that.