New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

Isis said:
LaNecia said:
Flax and carrot juice, not bad but not as enjoyable as carrot juice by itself.

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I didn't mix mine together (if that's what you mean), I drank my carrot juice and then ate my usual salad with a tbsp of flaxseed oil in it.

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Uh, yah, that's what I did a'ight.
Re: New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge: Day 1!

I bought a big bag of carrots from Sam's Club about 3 weeks ago for less than $2.00 with the INTENTIONS of juicing daily with the carrot/apple/ginger mixture. I bought a big bag of apples and some ginger yesterday with the INTENTIONS of finally juicing. This challenge is just the motivation I need to finally turn intentions into actions! I'm going to have to place a picture of somebody with long hair by the kitchen sink when it's time to clean the mesh part of the juicer. LOL
Re: New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge: Day 1!


I wish there were self-cleaning juicers...could be a good invention.
Re: New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge: Day 1!

hey ms. Vee, it has pure carrots, calories 80, Total Carbs 13g,Sodium 90mg,Potassium 620mg, sugars 13g,protein 2g,VitA 690%, Vit C 8%Calcium 4%, Iron10% ingredients:pure Carrot juice
I went to the Health Food tonight and purchased another small bottle I have to take it back did not taste good it was spoiled now I love the first bottle make sure you look at the expiration date
Hey Ms. Vee: the ingredients are pure carrot juice, total fat 0g, cholesteerol 0 mg, sodium 90mg, potassium 620mg, total carbs 13g,dietary fiber 0g, sugars 13 g, protein 2g, vit A 600%, vita C 8%, calcium 4%, iron 10% hope you like, i purchased another bottle tonight-it was spoiled make sure you look at the expiration date. Hope you like it
should 10 - 15 baby carrots a day be good enough...i KNOW i'm not gonna be able to down carrot juice
Shayla said:
should 10 - 15 baby carrots a day be good enough...i KNOW i'm not gonna be able to down carrot juice

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Yah, I think it's kinda gross..but it was sweet..not bitter or anything..but 2oz is only 1/4 of a that's not much at all! Just plug your nose..
lunalight7 said:
What is in a carrot that makes hair grow? Is it the beta carotene?

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Yes, it's the large quantity of beta carotene.
It's also the B vitamins, especially folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. Since carrot juice goes directly into the blood stream (bypassing digestion), it's effects are much faster than taking supplements, for example.

Carrot Juice (The King of Juices)
Wash 4-5 carrots and juice.
Carrot juice supplies a high amount of pro-vitamin A, which the body converts to Vitamin A; vitamins B,C,D,E, and K, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, and trace minerals. This juice benefits intestinal walls, bones, teeth, skin, hair, nails and with regular use, cleanses the liver by helping to release stale bile and excess fats.

Nutritive value
Carrots are rich in carotene and the red variety contains 10-15 times more carotene than the orange variety. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is needed for healthy vision, as well as the maintenance of mucous membranes. The same vitamin is also important for healthy skin and hair and is necessary for human reproduction, resistance to infection, combats fatigue, and functions as a protector of the nervous system. Beta-carotene is also an anti-oxidant that may defend the body against free radicals toxicity. It contains 86 per cent water and 48 Kcal per 100 gm of edible portion. The carrot is one of the best sources of vitamin B complex as it also contains niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. The other major nutrient contents are phosphorous, choline, sulphur, potassium and fibre. It has moderate amounts of calcium, iron and vitamin C.
Hi Isis, thanks for the healingdaily site. Boy...they've got some important info over there !!!!

Everybody on this board should read it. GREAT INFO!!!!!
Hi all I've joined in on the carrot challenge. I love carrots. I bought organic carrot juice from Trader Joes. I live in Ca. I love it. You can check out their web site. They have tons of Good Things to choose from. I do the bulk of my groceries there.
Puddles said:
You can check out their web site. They have tons of Good Things to choose from.

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What is the website?
Carrot juice is da bomb. I can literally feel my scalp crwaling (growing I guess) after I drink it. Just like when I take biotin, MSM, or drink a protein shake. I love it!!
Carrot juice is da bomb. I can literally feel my scalp crawling (hair growth I guess) after I drink it. Just like when I take biotin, MSM, or drink a protein shake. I love it!!
Natori24 said:
Thanks, Puddles. By the way, where did you get your signature?

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I made it myself. I make sig tags for fun. I have a group that I am re-organizing at the moment. I will post it when I'm finished.
Puddles said:
Hi all I've joined in on the carrot challenge. I love carrots. I bought organic carrot juice from Trader Joes. I live in Ca. I love it. You can check out their web site. They have tons of Good Things to choose from. I do the bulk of my groceries there.

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Welcome to LHCF Puddles and to the challenge!

Thanks for the info.
I got some organic carrot juice, which I got from the supermarket. I drink a small cup twice a day. Once in the morning and in the evening.
<font color="purple">What's up, Doc?
I love to eat carrots between meals, especially the baby ones. I'm ready to join in on this. I'll try to see if I can get a big bag of baby carrots and the Low Salt V-8 juice tomorrow when I'm out. Toodles. </font>
Valerie said:
I got some organic carrot juice, which I got from the supermarket. I drink a small cup twice a day. Once in the morning and in the evening.

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Hi Valerie
Which supermarket / shop can you buy carrot juice from in London? I want to join this challenge but I cannot find it -unless I am not opening my eyes or being stupid or both!!!
If it's too challenging to locate the fresh juice Pradalover, carrot juice powder may be an alternative. A nutritionist I spoke to swears by it and someone posted that she was drinking it. I've never tried it although it's something that could come in handy.
Hi " Carrot Girls"

How are you today??? Still drinking your juice religiously??? Are you already seeing results? Did you up your daily dose?

Just curious (I'm not seeing any results yet, but I'll keep the faith, it's only been a few days so....)
Isis, I'm so glad you started this challenge. I am loving the Odwalla CJ
. I have no problems getting my daily dosage. I usually go for 4oz, but sometimes I end up drinking more. It just tastes so darn good

As far as growth wise, I can't really tell. I already have too much newgrowth on my head right now. But after I relax I'll be able to tell if I start getting more than my inch a month.
Pradalover, I got my carrot juice from the organic section in Tesco, which you have to consume within 3-4 days for the James White one, his one is carrot and apple juice, which I prefer cost is £2.49, I think. Eden juice is just plain organic carrot juice £1.98 consume within 7 days.
Question for ALL. I've been doing the challenge as well,but the question is....(Hope I don't gross anyone) When I do #2 it's orange. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?
Just wondering and hoping everything is normal. :-)