New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge


New Member
I'm wondering how you ladies are doing with your carrot juice challenge which started a few months ago. I would like to restart this challenge since many on this board were unaware of it. I'm re-starting with my daily carrot juice because I know from experience how excellent it is for fast hair growth, thickness and health. It really works and because carrot juice goes directly into the bloodstream, the results are immediate compared to vitamins. When I was doing it before, it was not for my hair but for my overall health. I wasn't focusing on my hair yet but couldn't help but notice it was growing longer faster and was so much thicker! Even other people noticed and commented on it. My skin was more beautiful too. So those doing the daily carrot juice, what have been your hair results? Anyone else want to join this challenge?

I brought the info from the Hair Recipe board to this one so others can know about it.
Here is Cybra’s post and below is the link.

Well, I don't think it would be fair for me to join this challenge because I love carrots and eat bags all the time. But why I'm posting to share a story for encouragement for you ladies.

Like your mom, HL, I love carrots and have always eaten them since a child. However, I stopped eating them so much when I started turning really orange a few years ago (I was eating a 3lb bad daily at that time)
Anyway, I had really cut back to only eating a few a week. Howeve, I had to have surgery and after the surgery, the anesthia made my hair very dry and brittle (which is a common thing). Well, because I was bed ridden for over 2 weeks, I didn't wash or condition my hair and only got baths in bed, so my hair REALLY broke off, especially in the back where I was laying. Well, once I was up and around, I went and had my hair cut into a "boy" cut, that was cute but took most of the hair off. Then, I started eating my carrots and drinking carrot juice. I PROMISE YOU THIS IS THE TRUTH. In a month, I noticed how much growth I had and how soft it was. Then, in about 3 months, when I went to get it relaxed and trimmed again, the hair stylist kept calling others over to see how much it had grown. She relaxed it and kept saying, "I cannot believe how healthy your hair is." When she finished, I looked at it and it was so shiny and strong! By 6 months, all my hair was almost back to the length it was prior to the surgery, but healthier. So, since that time to this, I eat carrots everyday...even if someone may mistake me for a "umpa lumpa"

You ladies will not regret the results of doing this...not to mention how smooth your skin will be. Hey, come to think of it, that might be why my skin stays so smooth...hmmmm.
Good luck to you all.

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Re: Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge Progress

There must be some more good experiences from drinking carrot juice and being on this challenge! Bump!
Re: Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge Progress

Well Isis, I didn't join the challenge but for the past week I've been drinking carrot,celery and spinach juice and my skin has cleared up and no new breakouts. I'm going to continue this for the next few weeks and I'll let you know if I see improved benefits with my hair.
Re: Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge Progress

I don't know how I missed this challenge, Isis. I would have tried it.
Re: Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge Progress

Ipanema, the challenge isn't over, you can start now if you want to. I'm re-starting because I know it works (don't know why I ever stopped). Maybe I'll just modify the title since it wasn't officially announced the first time...
Joyous - I would love to hear about your results. I haven't tried that juice mixture but it sounds very hair healthy as well as skin healthy.
Ooooh! I love a challenge! Can I do this one too?! I've got my carrot juice and carrots.

Can anyone recommend a good juicer? I'd prefer to juice my own than buy it pre-prepared.

I have a Braun juicer LaNecia and it's worked great for several years. There may be better juicers out there now.
Okay Isis, I'll offically join the challenge since it's not to late. How long are you setting the challenge for and how often will we report our results?
hey V8 splash is not that nutritious. It has too much sugar and carrot is like one of the last ingredients- You're better off buying regular V8
I want to join this challenge but I can't afford a juicer right now. I can afford I eat carrots (I don't think I could do 3lbs a day) until I can get a juicer?
Lovely901Lady -

Carrot juice is sold in most grocery stores. It's always best to get it fresh. Odwella (sp?) is known for their fresh carrot and other juices and Bolthouse Farms is another brand, kind of new on the scene in a liter size. These cost more than carrots, of course, but they are convenient when there isn't a juicer. Juice bars make it fresh for you but it can also get really pricey.

I know a guy who was drinking Hollywood canned carrot juice (it tastes nasty to me), usually found in the juice section of grocery stores, and he showed me and his friends how that juice grew and thickened his hair in a short period of time! He asked me to even feel his hair! I was amazed and he said his barber was amazed too.

Anyway, if you really aren't able to get carrot juice right now, eating carrots would be the next best thing. There is a post (I'll find the link) of one of the ladies here who is eating quite a bit of the baby carrots with great results.
joyous said:
Okay Isis, I'll offically join the challenge since it's not to late. How long are you setting the challenge for and how often will we report our results?

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Let's do this challenge for just one month starting Monday, March 22. Those who want to continue it of course certainly can - I'm sure I will. So April 22 will be the last day of this challenge. I'm certain that in one month, we'll have progress to report.

We can report in weekly (or more often if you're seeing great results early!). To experience great progress, I've learned just 2 ounces (or 1/4 cup) each day is enough.
If you want to drink more each day,
please do but you may want to share how much you are drinking whenever you report in so we can all take note and maybe adjust our juice drinking. If you're eating your carrots, you may want to report the daily quantity with your results in case someone else wants to eat some too.
Remember, if you drink or eat a LOT of carrot juice or carrots each day your skin will get yellow or orangish, not because of the betacarotene, but because your liver has begun to detoxify. It's totally harmless though.
I'm in too Isis. I love carrots and used to eat them as a snack at work. I've slacked off lately but I'm heading to the grocers today and Ill pick up some more.
Count me in as well, this is a challenge that I may actually be able to stick w/ seeing that I actually like carrots and carrot juice....

P.S. ArmyQT, how did the protein challenge go?
SexyGyrlNY said:
Count me in as well, this is a challenge that I may actually be able to stick w/ seeing that I actually like carrots and carrot juice....

P.S. ArmyQT, how did the protein challenge go?

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I stopped drinking the shakes becuase they seemed to bulk me up. My body just wasn't digesting the proteins well enough. But I do eat chicken and fish quite often and I started taking elite marine protein. I also take Spirulina which is said to contain the most digestible form of protein for us. I have been getting an inch an month so I guess all is well.
Isis said:
joyous said:
Okay Isis, I'll offically join the challenge since it's not to late. How long are you setting the challenge for and how often will we report our results?

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Let's do this challenge for just one month starting Monday, March 22. Those who want to continue it of course certainly can - I'm sure I will. So April 22 will be the last day of this challenge. I'm certain that in one month, we'll have progress to report.

We can report in weekly (or more often if you're seeing great results early!). To experience great progress, I've learned just 2 ounces (or 1/4 cup) each day is enough.
If you want to drink more each day,
please do but you may want to share how much you are drinking whenever you report in so we can all take note and maybe adjust our juice drinking. If you're eating your carrots, you may want to report the daily quantity with your results in case someone else wants to eat some too.
Remember, if you drink or eat a LOT of carrot juice or carrots each day your skin will get yellow or orangish, not because of the betacarotene, but because your liver has begun to detoxify. It's totally harmless though.

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Thanks Isis.
bananabea said:
a good juicer is the juiceman juicer. i got the juiceman jr. for 58.00 at walmart

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Thanks! Walmart huh...

I'm so there!!
I would love to join another juicer challenge, but I will have to start later or alot later, Am not using the juice my mother has, I want my own and an easy to clean one, I would not buy carrots unless they are organic, the other ones taste toxic, after I tasted organic carrot juice, I think 2 months would be better, since some things take about that time too work, With carrot juice was skin was softer in only a few days, but still I think a longer challenge would be better,
I juice on & off usually. This challenge is great! I'm in! I know it sounds crazy, but I can only eat them raw when shredded in my salad, otherwise cooked. I do like carrot juice though.
*****i just wanted to give the ladies a heads up on V8. I used to drink it for a few years & noticed at the time that it was very salty. Then my doc told me that it contained entirely too much salt as I drank it twice a day. He suggested I try juicing the same veggies for myself or find an alternative veggie juice with less salt.
I love carrot juice, but my brother broke my juicer...I'm gonna order the Jack LeLayne (sp?) some time in the next 2 weeks...and once I do I'm in! Do you all juice regular carrots or baby carrots?