New and different varieties of Sunsilk products?


Well-Known Member
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I think they target the different varieties to different markets. I would sure love to try the naturals line though. I think it may only be available in india.:(
It sucks that its not available here cause look at what I got from the site:

In India, Sunsilk makes uses of local ingredients like amla, henna, lemon and curd to give strength to the promised benefit.

Those are some yummy ingredients that I want on my hair :(
angelita842002 said:
I think they target the different varieties to different markets. I would sure love to try the naturals line though. I think it may only be available in india.:(

I agree. I have heard that they have lines for color treated hair marketed in London.
I was using Creamsilk for years, which is the Filipino brand name for Sunsilk. The leave in moisturizer works great and I'd get it for about a dollar a bottle.
I know it is sad. I went to two BSS in my new neighborhood and went crazy this weekend AND I am dragging my cousin into PJism.

crlsweetie912 said:
I am telling you, we need to start a club! See my siggy and everyone can copy it as needed!
crlsweetie912 said:
Dang that's interesting. I had no idea they made a relaxer! WOW!
If it's as good as the other products im sold.:lol: Sunsilk 24/7 cream worked better than Salerm21 and half the price.
I just emailed them to see if they plan on bringing to the states and if not, can it be purchased online. Keep your fingers crossed. :)
Very interesting.. I knew that they were international but this is worldwide.

BTW I had to scoop up that Black poo
Here is the email I got from sunsilk:

Hi Aleia,

Thank you for your e-mail to Unilever United States.

We are sorry to disappoint you, but currently there are no plans to introduce this product into the United States. While Unilever NA is a part of Unilever worldwide, each country markets products independently for their respective markets. The various products which our company manufactures and markets in the United States are designed to meet the needs and preferences of the American consumer and conform with U.S. government regulatory standards. Unfortunately, given the vast array of products available worldwide, it is impossible for us to keep up with requests to supply specific varieties.

However, we have forwarded your email to our Brand Manager for review.

We appreciate your interest and thank you for taking the time to contact us.
Your friends at Unilever

Why wouldn't they sell the relaxers in the US? I guess the market is too jammed.
I actually own the sunsilk green that's marketed to spanish speakers. I can't read anything on the bottle, but I saw an avacado on it and it was on sale for 1.07. I'm sold! great stuff
Qetesh - I'm salivating over your hair!

I hate you all for turning me into a PJ!!! I just puchased the Sunsilk Hydra TLC line (pink bottle) because of you heffas!
oohhh that is my favorite conditioner it is Anti Sponge

omnipadme said:
I actually own the sunsilk green that's marketed to spanish speakers. I can't read anything on the bottle, but I saw an avacado on it and it was on sale for 1.07. I'm sold! great stuff
I purchased the Sunsilk Straighten Up (purple) and I've been raving about it ever since. I only used the conditioner and it really did straighten out my 6 week post new growth! Sunsilk is definitely on to something!

Also, in case you missed my other post, Sunsilk in the US is giving away free samples
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These look great, and I love Sunsilk too. I would love to try that black shampoo....that was the first thing that stood out to me.
crlsweetie912 said:
Here is the email I got from sunsilk:

Hi Aleia,

Thank you for your e-mail to Unilever United States.

We are sorry to disappoint you, but currently there are no plans to introduce this product into the United States. While Unilever NA is a part of Unilever worldwide, each country markets products independently for their respective markets. The various products which our company manufactures and markets in the United States are designed to meet the needs and preferences of the American consumer and conform with U.S. government regulatory standards. Unfortunately, given the vast array of products available worldwide, it is impossible for us to keep up with requests to supply specific varieties.

However, we have forwarded your email to our Brand Manager for review.

We appreciate your interest and thank you for taking the time to contact us.
Your friends at Unilever

Why wouldn't they sell the relaxers in the US? I guess the market is too jammed.

I'm wondering if enough of "us" show an interest, they may change their mind - maybe even volunteer to be a test market?
I am willing to test the products I don't know about the relax...

Ms Kraft said:
I'm wondering if enough of "us" show an interest, they may change their mind - maybe even volunteer to be a test market?