Natural, 4A
You can do twist outs and braid outs with single twists and single plaits. It doesn't even need to be that many either. I say give it a try. You would be surprised. I can't do flat twists or conrow and I wear these styles all the time.I'm going onto 10 months post and I'm becoming antsy. I know that I DON'T want to chop now b/c I'll freak out and cry (rotfl) but I'm sick of straightening every two weeks. I want to do braidouts and twistouts but I can't cornrow or flat twist
I want to do curly styles, darn it!
See answers above.I'm interested in bunning, and was wondering if you long-time transitioners can help with answer a few questions:
Is bunning a good idea for transitioning hair, or does wearing a ponytail put too much stress on the fragile line between relaxed/natural hair?
It depends on your hair. I bun the majority of the time but I have to pay extra care and attention to my edges because mine are fragile. For me personally with bunning the edges are my concern not the demarcation line. Just do not pull your hair too tight.
Can dry hair be bunned? (I HATE wearing my hair wet, it feels too weak to ponytail when wet)
Yes, easily.
Can anyone direct me to a thread that teaches how to bun in BRUTAL step-by-step detail with pics, or better yet: a start-to-finish video? I've searched and can't find things with enough detail.
Search on youtube but to me it is a very simple style with a lot of variations. I pull my hair into a ponytail using a metail free pony tail holder then I loop the ponytail holder over my hair a second time not pulling my hair all the way through. Done.
I keep reading about challenges, how can I fina a bun challenge?
There isn't one but you could start one.
I want to bun to gain some length. Is it too ambitious to be trying to achieve length AND a natural at the same time? Can anyone share some success stories? I don't think so. Do a search on here for bunning for growth or bun challenges and I think you will find some success stories
Sorry if this is off-topic for this thread (still learning my way around LHCF). If so, please direct me to the appropriate thread. TIA