Peeing in my shower
That was just ridiculous. You did the right thing, they probably would have ripped your hair out. A stylist that is patient enough to gently do a transitioning head is a God send.I'm going on 41 weeks post, still transitioning went to a Dominican salon in the DC area last night, they ask if my hair was relaxed or natural, I went on to say it was relaxed went to the wash bowl, had some henna stuck to my scalp (long story) they thought it was dandruff, then they went on to make a fuss about my hair asking me how long has it been since I had a relaxer, then said I need to decide between relaxing and going natural because my hair is going to break yada yada need a good conditioner gotcha check I have been on LHCF for years. Okay then I am finished with the wash they are “discussing” my hair throwing the brillo word out there & decided they couldn’t do my hair in a rollerset, they would have to do a straight blowout which is $30 more. I refused to pay the extra price and walked out of the salon with a wet head. IF they would have touched my hair it was soft but since I’m a 4a/b they assumed it was “brillo” I went home and saved my $65.