Well I am glad to finally be able to post in this thread. I never made my next appointment for a relaxer (which is close to suicide as my stylist is always booked and takes a miracle to get an appointment) after my previous one on Oct 20th. I figured I would try attempt at growing this relaxer out. Normally right around this time I would getting my hair relaxed. I have so much new growth my hair is extremely difficult to detangle.
I really want to make this work but does anyone have any good tips for detangling? Normally I wouldn't be stressing out as a relaxer would be near but now that is not a choice and I am stuck on what to do because all my normal products stop working well close to touch up time. Don't want to throw the towel in early. Btw I normally rollerset. Any help I would be grateful.
Welcome to the thread BlackApple!

For detangling, I have found it's best done with product in your hair, either conditoner or a leave in. A product with good slip works well for me. Also you may want to finger detangle first and when you do use a comb, make sure it's a wide tooth one. I would also suggest doing everything in sections. It makes the job so much more manageable. And the more you do this the better you will get at it and it won't seem so overwhelming. Just take baby steps and hang in there. I'm sure MummysGirl and some of the other veteran transitioners can offer you additional advice that I haven't mentioned. Good luck and remember we're all here for each other!