New *2009* Transitioners Support Thread!

I just looked at my own siggy and realized I hit the 20 month mark :yay: At this point it wouldn't even be a BC because after my hair cut in May, there isn't much chemical left but I'm just not ready to cut. For some reason I have in my head 28 months before I cut the rest...I don't even know where that number came from lol.

I flat ironed last Wednesday and I'm loving my straightened hair--I miss it. For the rest of this transition, I may be straightening once or twice a month, we'll see.

I'm also trying to determine whether or not my natural hair likes EVCO :perplexed: This is a staple of mine and has been a life saver but I'm starting to wonder if my new hair doesn't like it. Idk, mu hair just acts kind of strange now when I use it. I'm going to retest today and make a decision. I hope I don't have to put it down.
Just popping in for some support and to say I'm off the fence and definitely transitioning. I plan to transition until my natural hair is at least shoulder lenght w/ shrinkage. All you ladies are doing a great job! I wish I didn't get that last relaxer. I would be 13 months post now.:(
"I just looked at my own siggy and realized I hit the 20 month mark "

Congrats Eisani!!! I am sure you can make 28 months. This is very encouraging to all of us!!! :)
:clap: Well Done!!!!!

I just looked at my own siggy and realized I hit the 20 month mark :yay: At this point it wouldn't even be a BC because after my hair cut in May, there isn't much chemical left but I'm just not ready to cut. For some reason I have in my head 28 months before I cut the rest...I don't even know where that number came from lol.

I flat ironed last Wednesday and I'm loving my straightened hair--I miss it. For the rest of this transition, I may be straightening once or twice a month, we'll see.

I'm also trying to determine whether or not my natural hair likes EVCO :perplexed: This is a staple of mine and has been a life saver but I'm starting to wonder if my new hair doesn't like it. Idk, mu hair just acts kind of strange now when I use it. I'm going to retest today and make a decision. I hope I don't have to put it down.
I'm popping my head in (i've been neglecting my challenge threads). I'm 4 months post relaxer (I had an urge to texlax in March and wishing i hadn't; one, because you can't even tell, eventhough i guess that's a good thing; and two, because now i have even longer to go to get to my goal length). it's been pretty easy for me so far. I alternate between wearing my hair out and rocking my wigs. One week i wear my hair out in whatever style i feel like doing, the next week i wig it up. This helps me protect my edges and let my scalp breathe... Good luck to all you ladies!
Today makes 9 months in my transition...

I think I need to step away from the edges are suffering :(

Maybe you can try wearing a satin cap underneath instead of the wing cap. Or a du-rag. Something that is smooth i.e. silk, sateen,satin. And try to really moisterize your edges before you but on your wig. HTH
Ok, I need some REHAB!!! I take a break for a couple days and come back to find out FindingMe AND Soleil have B/C'ed? :thud: Noooooo! Congrats too, but noooooo! :cry: Now here I am eyeing the scissors again...
I just looked at my own siggy and realized I hit the 20 month mark :yay: At this point it wouldn't even be a BC because after my hair cut in May, there isn't much chemical left but I'm just not ready to cut. For some reason I have in my head 28 months before I cut the rest...I don't even know where that number came from lol.

I flat ironed last Wednesday and I'm loving my straightened hair--I miss it. For the rest of this transition, I may be straightening once or twice a month, we'll see.

I'm also trying to determine whether or not my natural hair likes EVCO :perplexed: This is a staple of mine and has been a life saver but I'm starting to wonder if my new hair doesn't like it. Idk, mu hair just acts kind of strange now when I use it. I'm going to retest today and make a decision. I hope I don't have to put it down.

Yessss!! Gogo Eisani!! :weird: :lachen: 28 months on you would put me at about 24 months, which is my goal. Doo itttt! :grin: I need motivation lol. All these dang on ppl bcing :spinning:
I'm at 41 weeks! Eisani, Morenita you both have transition a long time two years and some! I appreciate you both supporting us newbie and sharing your transition technique. That will power! So are you Allandra!
how often are you ladies cowashing? i want to wash my hair multiple times a week because i run and workout, but i don't know what i'd do with it.
how often are you ladies cowashing? i want to wash my hair multiple times a week because i run and workout, but i don't know what i'd do with it.

it depends on the week, but if i am working out heavy every day...i cowash everyday. i don't do a serious detangle everytime though. if i am slacking on the gym, i do it every other.

i throw it up in a loose bun, headbad the front and rock a cury pomp!
I'm having a moment. All the sudden I want to relax. To get over this I roller set my hair. It took an hour!!!!!!!!!!! (it used to take 20 to 25 minutes. I hope it turns out ok. Off to the dryer.
i HAVE to keep my eyes off of my hair. i am always tempted to BC nowadays. lol. but i know i won't i don't have the guts yet. and i am more in love with the overall length. phew! lol. holding out till next june..
Ok, I need some REHAB!!! I take a break for a couple days and come back to find out FindingMe AND Soleil have B/C'ed? :thud: Noooooo! Congrats too, but noooooo! :cry: Now here I am eyeing the scissors again...

Don't cry!!! You are doing SOOO well! :bighug:

:sekret:Here is the deal, I really think my hair would have been at the length I really wanted in a few months (like 4-6 month) bc right now, although I have a lot of hair, my hair still goes out and not down, which is what I honestly wanted. I was ok with cutting and letting the total length go (BSL striaghtened to now SL straightened), but I just really wanted my hair to have a certain shape and it's not quite there yet. And the shape I wanted only comes with length, so I think I was a little premature for that. But, I am happy with the BC for me bc it has simplified my regi a lot and I really needed it right now.:grin: Plus I was bored with my hair and this has given me a little excitement:lachen:(I may even add some color...:spinning:)

Please BC when YOU are ready and when you think you will have the hair (length, thickness, shape etc.) so you will be completely happy when you cut off your relaxed ends.:yep: Right now, I'd say I'm about 85% satisfied:lachen:
Bump.... please answer anyone....someone :look:

word on the street is that you will never REALLY know until you BC.

for me, it was a combination of waiting it out for like a year and chopping off a lot of the relaxed ends that were waying the curl pattern down. so a year if there is significantly more natural hair than relaxed.

but, it still can be unclear
The roller set turned out great! Need for relaxer gone, yea! Although it took forever didn't need any direct heat after it was dry. May post pics in the AM...
word on the street is that you will never REALLY know until you BC.

for me, it was a combination of waiting it out for like a year and chopping off a lot of the relaxed ends that were waying the curl pattern down. so a year if there is significantly more natural hair than relaxed.

but, it still can be unclear

ITA. Your relaxed ends will weigh your hair down and make your curls seem longer/looser that they will be once you BC. I snipped a small section in the back and my hair does curl up more than the rest of it.
I know! We gotta stick together :yep:

I'm with you!

Don't cry!!! You are doing SOOO well! :bighug:

:sekret:Here is the deal, I really think my hair would have been at the length I really wanted in a few months (like 4-6 month) bc right now, although I have a lot of hair, my hair still goes out and not down, which is what I honestly wanted. I was ok with cutting and letting the total length go (BSL striaghtened to now SL straightened), but I just really wanted my hair to have a certain shape and it's not quite there yet. And the shape I wanted only comes with length, so I think I was a little premature for that. But, I am happy with the BC for me bc it has simplified my regi a lot and I really needed it right now.:grin: Plus I was bored with my hair and this has given me a little excitement:lachen:(I may even add some color...:spinning:)

Please BC when YOU are ready and when you think you will have the hair (length, thickness, shape etc.) so you will be completely happy when you cut off your relaxed ends.:yep: Right now, I'd say I'm about 85% satisfied:lachen:

Thanks for the encouragement :) I hear what you're saying and agree. The main thing keeping me from B/Cing now is the fact that I still can't comfortably fit all of my hair in a ponytail. The pieces in the front and sides are still too short (the ones that I mini-chopped a while back). I always told myself that I would be comfortable chopping when the ponytail goal was met and I'm still about 2 inches short, despite my many urges lol. :lol:

I agree about the shape thing.:afro: My hair is like yours in that the top grows slower. I think a lot of people are like that. I remember when SouthernTease did her B/C (18 months) and she said that if she had it to do over again, she would have waited to chop the top because of the same reason. Now her hair blends together all so nicely and makes me look forward to that 24-28 month mark.

I will continue to stick it out I think. I'm bored too, but I will probably end up wearing ponytails most days anyway, so what's the rush. I've waited this long, may as well keep going. Gonna keep my eye on all you recent B.C'ers though :rolleyes:
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Ladies...I fell out of the race and did the BC as a B-Day present on 21 July :grin: I promise to post pics in a thread when I get home from work. I did make it through a 34 week transition which wasn't too bad...I just got to the now or never point and decided to go for it. A big push for me was that my hubby finally came on board and was ok with me doing the BC :yawn: Thanks for all the support through the transition! I'll be back to visit :yep:
Ladies...I fell out of the race and did the BC as a B-Day present on 21 July :grin: I promise to post pics in a thread when I get home from work. I did make it through a 34 week transition which wasn't too bad...I just got to the now or never point and decided to go for it. A big push for me was that my hubby finally came on board and was ok with me doing the BC :yawn: Thanks for all the support through the transition! I'll be back to visit :yep:

Congratulations!!! It always helps to have his support :grin:
Congratulations and happy belated birthday!
Ladies...I fell out of the race and did the BC as a B-Day present on 21 July :grin: I promise to post pics in a thread when I get home from work. I did make it through a 34 week transition which wasn't too bad...I just got to the now or never point and decided to go for it. A big push for me was that my hubby finally came on board and was ok with me doing the BC :yawn: Thanks for all the support through the transition! I'll be back to visit :yep:
Ladies...I fell out of the race and did the BC as a B-Day present on 21 July :grin: I promise to post pics in a thread when I get home from work. I did make it through a 34 week transition which wasn't too bad...I just got to the now or never point and decided to go for it. A big push for me was that my hubby finally came on board and was ok with me doing the BC :yawn: Thanks for all the support through the transition! I'll be back to visit :yep:

Happy Belated B-Day! Congratulations on your BC!:clap:
Ladies...I fell out of the race and did the BC as a B-Day present on 21 July :grin: I promise to post pics in a thread when I get home from work. I did make it through a 34 week transition which wasn't too bad...I just got to the now or never point and decided to go for it. A big push for me was that my hubby finally came on board and was ok with me doing the BC :yawn: Thanks for all the support through the transition! I'll be back to visit :yep:
Congrats on the BC!
Congrats trey..

OMG.. it feels like the heat is on... me and trey were almost on the same track. everyone is BC'ing. I am getting the jitters, but my hair is way TOO short. I don't have money to go out and buy products either. I am hangin on for 18 mos post which will be my bday. Oh goodness this is so hard.

I am growing so tired of my hair.
i am not cutting! screw BC fever!! lol. next june or nothing. i will DRAG myself through another year if it kills me (as long as it doesn't kill my hair lol)