New *2009* Transitioners Support Thread!

I am going for the long haul, with veterans like Allandra and others I can do it. How about you?

For some reason i have been getting a mean itch to BC!!! But im holding out until at least the end of December...i think i'll be happy at that length which will be 14 months...might go longer if im not happy with length!!
I need opinions. My hair is a HAM. I can make it look good, I'm just not thrilled with the condition. It started when I I couldn't get my hair moisterized. Ok, well, I've done that. Now, It won't stay that way. I live near Chicago, so I'm thinking that after correcting the moisture, protein, and porosity issues, all that is left is maybe hard water. I want to try a chelating shampoo, before I spend the money, I want to know if I am on the right track. I've used the ORS Olive Shampoo in the past and gave it away cause it dried my hair beyond all recognition. Any suggestions? TIA

I find the Elucence Clarifying and the Mizani Puriphyl Shampoos are excellent and do not leave my hair dry. Maybe you could give one of those a try.
I purchased a relaxer today. =(

I am like 7 months post. My hair isnt difficult, it just takes longer, and my time is precious because I am in the middle of studying for the bar.

Oh well. Hair grows. I'll be back. :lol:

Why don't you just put your hair in a bun during bar study time? I can't imagine you are going anywhere where you need to have sexy hair.
65 weeks post and counting. i needed a new bun style. i change it up to keep me from extreme boredom. now i am doing a messy bun. i flat twist my hair every 2-3 days, and then throw it into a high messy bun curly nikki style. then i add a cute scarf in front for flare and to avoid adding gel to it. i am liking it so far. i pineapple the hair at night in between retwisting. and i just leave it loose if i am chillin around the house
For some reason i have been getting a mean itch to BC!!! But im holding out until at least the end of December...i think i'll be happy at that length which will be 14 months...might go longer if im not happy with length!!

I'm getting the urge to B/C again too... :help:

ETA: Ok, I just DIED inside because I just saw that I missed Whimsy's B/C!!! Good lord, your have some GORGEOUS hair chica!!! Ok, so that's either more inspiration for me to keep on trucking, or to snip :spinning:
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I'm getting the urge to B/C again too... :help:

ETA: Ok, I just DIED inside because I just saw that I missed Whimsy's B/C!!! Good lord, your have some GORGEOUS hair chica!!! Ok, so that's either more inspiration for me to keep on trucking, or to snip :spinning:

and im looking at your fotki sooooooo jealous you're siggy is at 14 months and that is what i am aiming for:look: Geez see i would of Bc'ed by now (not that im telling you too) lol
Okay Ladies, I'm about 23 weeks post [5 months and some change]

And my hair is straight TRIPPING!

Shedding and breakage...

I'm thinking I need some protein, but I'll try that and see how it goes.

It never feels moisturized even when I moisturize it...

I need methods on detangling new growth also because when i wear my hair in a lil bun, my head looks so BIG and disproportioned its ridiculous.


I need STYLES to wear my hair in!
-I don't want to FLAT IRON until I get the shedding and breakage into check....
-My hair's not long enough for a PRESENTABLE bun. I can do the ends tucked thing which i don't feel really does anything..its also not CUTE
-My twistouts and braid outs NEVER come out right...
-I did a rollerset...and it was cute and all but that's not about to be the only style I ever wear. Ya know?

Help me yall, I feel so OVERWHELMED with problems IDK what to do!
I would love support, I have finally decided to transition, I new I was transitioning when I bought phytospecific relaxer and could not bare to put it on my hair despite my pj problem.

Thanks for the thread.
Okay Ladies, I'm about 23 weeks post [5 months and some change]

And my hair is straight TRIPPING!

Shedding and breakage...

I'm thinking I need some protein, but I'll try that and see how it goes.

It never feels moisturized even when I moisturize it...

I need methods on detangling new growth also because when i wear my hair in a lil bun, my head looks so BIG and disproportioned its ridiculous.


I need STYLES to wear my hair in!
-I don't want to FLAT IRON until I get the shedding and breakage into check....
-My hair's not long enough for a PRESENTABLE bun. I can do the ends tucked thing which i don't feel really does anything..its also not CUTE
-My twistouts and braid outs NEVER come out right...
-I did a rollerset...and it was cute and all but that's not about to be the only style I ever wear. Ya know?

Help me yall, I feel so OVERWHELMED with problems IDK what to do!
how long are you transitioning for?
Good Morning Everyone,
I am getting extremely frustrated with my hair. I have been strong and haven't gotten a relaxer, but I don't know what else to do with my hair. All I do is put it in a ponytail. Help!!
Okay Ladies, I'm about 23 weeks post [5 months and some change]

And my hair is straight TRIPPING!

Shedding and breakage...

I'm thinking I need some protein, but I'll try that and see how it goes.

It never feels moisturized even when I moisturize it...

I need methods on detangling new growth also because when i wear my hair in a lil bun, my head looks so BIG and disproportioned its ridiculous.


I need STYLES to wear my hair in!
-I don't want to FLAT IRON until I get the shedding and breakage into check....
-My hair's not long enough for a PRESENTABLE bun. I can do the ends tucked thing which i don't feel really does anything..its also not CUTE
-My twistouts and braid outs NEVER come out right...
-I did a rollerset...and it was cute and all but that's not about to be the only style I ever wear. Ya know?

Help me yall, I feel so OVERWHELMED with problems IDK what to do!

I'm not an expert by any means so I hope someone else chimes in...
Shedding is normal but breakage isn't and I expect it's breaking along the line of dermacation. You might need to do a light protein treatment once in a while to strengthen your hair or, if your hair can handle it, a hard protein like Aphogee 2step or Nexxus emmergencee and always follow up with a moisturising DC.

You can try detangling with a cheapie conditioner and comb very gently with a wide-tooth comb. I've found washing and letting my hair dry in braided/twisted sections (about 4-6) a major life saver- it helps decrease the amount of hair I lose because I'm not over-manipulating my hair.

As per style: Personally, I'm transitioning with braid extensions because I'm planning a long transition but braiding isn't for everyone. You could try french braiding your hair, tucking it in and dressing it up with clips and accessories. Not really good at styling but check out members fotki's and see what transition styles they use.

bought 2 new products today: 100% aloe vera gel and garnier fructis sleek and shine fortifying cream conditioner. something had to give cuz my old combo (lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol and fantasia ic olive styling gel) didn't seem to be cutting it anymore. i am gonna DC, co-wash, and use these as my leave-in today and hope for the best.

i have been cowashing a lot lately. the humidity is making me sweat like crazy and drying out my hair. so i need something to REALLY add the moisture and seal it in.
So I'm a few days shy of 8 months post and I noticed that my texlaxed ends are starting to break off. Just the other day I was contemplating relaxing...
So I'm a few days shy of 8 months post and I noticed that my texlaxed ends are starting to break off. Just the other day I was contemplating relaxing...

Nooo, don't do it! You've come such a long way. What's your goal? Let's see if we can't help you get there.
OMG the Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Fortifying Cream Conditioner is the best thing since sliced bread! Gave me moisture like no other, actually tamed my frizz!!! and defined and elongated my curls. And i have THICK 3C/4A hair. if you feel like nothing is working, give it a try. It was like $4 something for a 13oz. bottle. and the new formula fights humidity and it cone free.
Hi everybody. I rarely post, I do a lot of lurking. Tonight I came out of hiding to let you guys know about Aveeno's Leave In Treatment. I'm 9 months post relaxer and I've been struggling with my transition. I was in Walgreens 2 days ago and I saw this product by Aveeno. I bought it because its 2nd main ingredient is Behentrimonium Methosulfate. I read on Curly Nikki's blog about this ingredient and how it gives great slip to the product it's added to. Well I'm here to tell you all it is so true. I love this stuff. I wish it came in a larger size. It's 5.2fl oz. I cowashed my hair and I sprayed it on and I was able to comb through my hair without begging and pleading with my hair to cooperate. I was even able to comb from root to tip ( I know you're not supposed to do that but had to see what will happen) Sorry for the long drawn out post but just had to let you guys know.

I am so frusted right now. I'm about 14 weeks post and nothing that I do to my hair is working. I want to braid it up but don't have the money. I'm a seriously thinking about just cutting it all off. Probably won't but I don't know what else to do. Even my rollersets which usually works for me isn't working. My hair won't hold the curl. I have never attempted to braid my hair before but I may have to do so research and figure out how to kinky twist my hair myself this weekend.

I am so frusted right now. I'm about 14 weeks post and nothing that I do to my hair is working. I want to braid it up but don't have the money. I'm a seriously thinking about just cutting it all off. Probably won't but I don't know what else to do. Even my rollersets which usually works for me isn't working. My hair won't hold the curl. I have never attempted to braid my hair before but I may have to do so research and figure out how to kinky twist my hair myself this weekend.

What do you mean by they're not working [rollersets]?
My hair is looking beyond HAMmy these days. I'm almost 9 months post, and I have a section in the crown that most of the relaxed hair broke off, and a section in the back that is 2-3 inches long when I was going to BC at 6months, then punked. My braidouts don't look good in this humidity, I'm bored of buns.

I've been tempted lately to relax bone straight and get a cute pixy cut. I know if I BC now, my hair will be too short. I feel like I look like James Brown in his mug shot.

The only good thing is I don't work in the summer, and I can wear a hat everyday.

Maybe I'll try a rollerset. Sorry girls, just venting.
So I'm a few days shy of 8 months post and I noticed that my texlaxed ends are starting to break off. Just the other day I was contemplating relaxing...

Don't do it!!! I've read your posts before, and you sound sooooo much like me in your hair journey. We would both be butt length naturals if we just make up our minds and stick with the program!

My textlaxed end are breaking off too..around the same time post.
Just checking in. I'm about 13 weeks post now and i'm very happy with my hair:hug3:. I have 2 new staples that are making this transition a breeze: Pantene Nature Fusion condish ( for my cowash) and Neutrogena Triple Moisture leave in.The pantene melted my thick 4a/b ng instantly and I was able to detangle with a a fine tooth comb in about 5-10 min (normally 30) and the NTM made my hair even more silky:lick:. This is the first time I have gotten so far without braids and I really believe I can stick it out especially with all ya'll support. THANK YOU LADEIS!!!!!!!:grouphug3:
Question ladies,
Do you detangle your NG EVERY TIME you wash?

well i only cowash. but no, even though i cowash every other day (for the summer months), i only detangle once a week when i deepcondition. although since i am about 16 months post, its not exactly "newgrowth" anymore. its full out curly hair lol