
@Ganjababy :hug3: I'm sure whatever it is has you messed up, but know that this situation is not forever. Just please don't tolerate any abuse of any sort. You said it's been a certain number of years married. Well, I was married for quite a while and now I'm divorced. There is light on the other side of the tunnel and life goes on. You're just in the dark part of it right now. Hang in there and gather up all of your resources (family, financial, friends etc) to support you. Whether you played a part in it does not matter right now...just get yourself to a safe situation and take time to figure out what it is you need to do in your best interest and no one else's.
That's crazy. You need to get off the forum and take care of business first. Don't be like the people in the movies walking right into danger. Get somewhere safe,while you know you can...REPORT the threat to the police and get back in touch with your mom. You need to let someone you trust know where you are....not someone that trusts him and get to safety.
You have control over your ssafety right now. Calm down and think rationally...seems like you're thinking emotionally.
Even if you think he's just threatening to kill you when he gets home because he angry, RESPOND TO THAT SERIOUSLY. Leave immediately. Do not be in the middle of packing when he gets there. Do not be in the middle of pulling out of the driveway when he gets there. Do not be there when he gets there period. Disappear and surround yourself with people in a safe place (family, friends, shelter). I would go somewhere he knows nothing about first, if you can. Fight for your life. Be safe.
WTF!!! Girl, if you don't get out of there and call the police!!! You don't stand by waiting for sh*t like this to happen! Get out! NOW!!!!!!!

Does anyone know where she lives? Can anyone call the police and get her help???

If she responded to the LHCF buddy thread, maybe her buddy can get in touch with her directly and talk her into leaving and reporting this to the police.
I think OP suffers from severe depression and perhaps some other conditions. She has been suffering for awhile. So please be kind and supportive of her. She may not be in her right mind. She needs our love, support, prayers, and guidance.
Thank you hopeful. OP and I were PM'ing yesterday and this morning, and she has a lot going on right now. She hasn't responded since this morning, but I'm praying she is getting help and is somewhere safe.

Please check in @Ganjababy
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Gather necessities and leave immediately.

Call family or friends to be with you. There's safety in numbers. I was informed that an aggressive man will back down 90% of the time when he knows someone is with you.

Contact the police and get a restraining/protective order. If you need to return to the house for more items, have the police escort you.

Your Life & Peace of worth so much more than possessions, trinkets, and "what others may think".

If you do, or can't gather anything else or put anything else in place take the BOLDED from above and GET OUT!!!!

My immediate recommendations would be to "couch surf" with dependable friends/family. Mom's place might be to obvious. [while stacking your coins]
Secondly, keep what ever medium he used to convey his threats and take them (& Pics of destruction) to the police for a Restraining Order.
The very last thing I'd recommend is that you change the locks on the house while he's away to prevent him from getting in....But don't stay there alone....NOT FOR ONE MINUTE.

I didn't get a chance to read the original post but keep wits about you; dial back a bit and proceed cautiously......very cautiously.
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